Краевая Ольга Александровна, зав. лабораторией

Ученая степень к.х.н.

тел.: +7 496 522-14-18

e-mail: okraevaya@inbox.ru

Научные интересы

Химия фуллеренов, ковалентная функционализация фуллеренового каркаса, органический синтез, противовирусные препараты, полупроводниковые материалы, редокс-активные полимеры


  1. Стипендия Президента Российской Федерации | (2022)
  2. “Молодой ученый” – ведомственная награда Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации | (2021)
  3. Стипендия Президента Российской Федерации | (2021)
  4. Стипендия Правительства Российской Федерации | (2021)
  5. Награда за лучший устный доклад на E-MRS Fall Meeting 2020, Польша | E-MRS (2020)
  6. Стипендия Правительства Российской Федерации | (2019-2020)
  7. Первая премия конкурса молодых ученых им. С.М. Батурина | ИПХФ РАН (2018)
  8. Стипендия Фонда имени В. И. Вернадского для студентов | (2017)
  9. Награда за лучший постерный доклад на E-MRS Spring Meeting 2016, Франция | E-MRS (2016)

Список публикаций

  1. O. A. Kraevaya, A. F. Latypova, A. A. Sokolova, A. A. Seleznyova, N. A. Emelianov, N. A. Slesarenko, V. Yu. Markov, L. A. Frolova, P. A. Troshin. Oxidative polymerization of triarylamines: a promising route to low-cost hole transport materials for efficient perovskite solar cells, Sustain. Energy Fuels 2022, 10.1039/D2SE00492E.
  2. O. A. Kraevaya, V. S. Bolshakova, A. S. Peregudov, A. V. Chernyak, N. A. Slesarenko, V. Yu. Markov, N. S. Lukonina, V. M. Martynenko, E. O. Sinegubova, A. F. Shestakov, V. V. Zarubaev, D. Schols, P.A. Troshin. Water-Promoted Reaction of C60Ar5Cl Compounds with Thiophenes Delivers a Family of Multifunctional Fullerene Derivatives with Selective Antiviral Properties, Org. Lett202123, 18, 7226–7230.
  3. H.-J. Huang, M. Chetyrkina, C.-W. Wong, O. A. Kraevaya, A. V. Zhilenkov, I. I. Voronov, P.-H. Wang, P. A. Troshin, S.-h. Hsu. Identification of potential descriptors of water-soluble fullerene derivatives responsible for antitumor effects on lung cancer cells via QSAR analysis, Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J202119, 812-825.
  4. S. V. Kostyuk, E. V. Proskurnina, E. S. Ershova, L. V. Kameneva, E. M. Malinovskaya, E. A. Savinova, V. A. Sergeeva, P. E. Umriukhin, O. A. Dolgikh, E. A. Khakina, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, S. I. Kutsev, N. N. Veiko. The Phosphonate Derivative of C60 Fullerene Induces Differentiation towards the Myogenic Lineage in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Int. J. Mol. Sci202122, 17, 9284.
  5. I. A. Avilova, Yu. V. Soldatova,  , A. V. Zhilenkov, E. A. Dolgikh, R. A. Kotel’nikova, P. A. Troshin, V. I. Volkov. Self-Diffusion of Fullerene С60 Derivatives in Aqueous Solutions and Suspensions of Erythrocytes According to Pulsed Field Gradient NMR Data, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 202195, 285–291.
  6. Yu. V. Soldatova, D. A. Areshidze, A. V. Zhilenkov, O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, D. A. Poletaeva, I. I. Faingold, P. A. Troshin, R. A. Kotelnikova. Water-soluble fullerene derivatives: the inhibition effect on polyol pathway enzymes and antidiabetic potential on high-fat diet/low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats, J. Nanopart. Res202123, 202.
  7. O. Kraevaya, A. V. Novikov, A. F. Shestakov, E. Ershova, E. Savinova, L. Kameneva, N. Veiko, D. Schols, J. Balzarini, S. Kostyuk, P. Troshin. Water-soluble fullerene-based nanostructures with promising antiviral and myogenic activity, Chem. Comm202056, 10203-10206.
  8. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, I. A. Godovikov, E. V. Shchurik, V. M. Martynenko, A. F. Shestakov,  J. Balzarini, D. Schols and P. A. Troshin. Direct arylation of C60Cl6 and C70Cl8 with carboxylic acids: a synthetic avenue to water-soluble fullerene derivatives with promising antiviral activity, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 1179-1182.
  9. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, N. E. Fedorova, R. R. Klimova, I. A. Godovikov, D. V. Mishchenko,  A. F. Shestakov, D. Schols,  A. A. Kushch, P. A. Troshin. Thiophene-based water-soluble fullerene derivatives as highly potent antiherpetic pharmaceuticals, Org. Biomol. Chem202018, 8702-8708.
  10. H. J. Huang, O. A. Kraevaya, I. I. Voronov, P. A. Troshin, S.-h. Hsu. Fullerene Derivatives as Lung Cancer Cell Inhibitors: Investigation of Potential Descriptors Using QSAR Approaches, Int. J. Nanomedicine 202015, 2485-2499.
  11. S. V. Kostyuk, E. V. Proskurnina, E. A. Savinova, E. S. Ershova, O. A. Kraevaya, L. V. Kameneva, P. E. Umryukhin, O. A. Dolgikh, S. I. Kutsev, P. A. Troshin, N. N. Veiko. Effects of Functionalized Fullerenes on ROS Homeostasis Determine Their Cytoprotective or Cytotoxic Properties, Nanomaterials 202010, 7, 1405.
  12. D. D. Dashitsyrenova, S. A. Adonin, I. D. Gorokh, O. A. Kraevaya, A. V. Pavlova, P. A. Abramov, L. Frolova,   V. P. Fedin, M. N. Sokolov, P. A. Troshin. Memory devices based on novel alkyl viologen halobismuthate (III) complexes, Chem. Commun202056, 64, 9162-9165.
  13. A. Yu. Rybkin, A. Yu. Belik, N. S. Goryachev,  P. A. Mikhaylov, O. A. Kraevaya, N. V. Filatova, I. I. Parkhomenko, A. S. Peregudov, A. A. Terent’ev, E. A. Larkina, A. F. Mironov, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotelnikov. Self-assembling nanostructures of water-soluble fullerene[60]–chlorin e6 dyads: Synthesis, photophysical properties, and photodynamic activity, Dyes  Pigm2020, 180, 108411.
  14. O. A. Kraevaya, E. V. Shchurik, P. A. Troshin. Ni-based coordination polymer as a promising anode material for potassium ion batteries, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 1901050.
  15. S. Tsarev, O. A. Kraevaya, S. Yu. Luchkin, K. J. Stevenson, and  P.A. Troshin. TEMPOL-promoted oxygen doping of a polytriarylamine hole-transport layer for efficient and stable lead halide perovskite solar cells, J. Mater. Chem. C 20208, 2419-2424.
  16. L. V. Tatyanenko, O. V. Pokidova, N. S. Goryachev, O. A. Kraevaya, E. A. Khakina, A. Yu. Belik, A. Yu. Rybkin, O. V. Dobrokhotova, I. Yu. Pikhteleva, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotelnikov. Effects of covalent conjugates of fullerene derivatives with xantane dyes on activity of the sarcoplasmatic reticulum, Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 2020169, 1, 89-94.
  17. E. A. Savinova, E. S. Ershova, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, S. V. Kostyuk. Antioxidant Properties of a New Water-Soluble Fullerene C70 Derivative, KEM 2020, 854, 223-229.
  18. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, S. I. Troyanov, I. Godovikov, N. E. Fedorova, R. R. Klimova, V. A. Sergeeva, L. V. Kameneva, E. S. Ershova, V. M. Martynenko, S. Claes,  A. A. Kushch, S. V. Kostyuk,  D. Schols, A. F. Shestakov and  Pavel A. Troshin. Diversion of the Arbuzov reaction: alkylation of C–Cl instead of phosphonic ester formation on the fullerene cage, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 7155-7160.
  19. V. Sergeeva, O. Kraevaya, E. Ershova, L. Kameneva, E. Malinovskaya, O. Dolgikh, M. Konkova, I. Voronov, A. Zhilenkov, N. Veiko, P. Troshin, S. Kutsev and S. Kostyuk. Antioxidant properties of fullerene derivatives depend on their chemical structure: a study of two fullerene derivatives on HELFs, Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. 2019, 4398695.
  20. C.-W. Wong, A. V. Zhilenkov, O. A. Kraevaya, D. V. Mischenko, P. A. Troshi, S.-h. Hsu. Toward Understanding the Antitumor Effects of Water-Soluble Fullerene Derivatives on Lung Cancer Cells: Apoptosis or Autophagy Pathways? J. Med. Chem. 2019, 62, 15, 7111-7125. 
  21. A. G. Bobylev, O. A. Kraevaya, L. G. Bobyleva, E. A.Khakina, R. S.Fadeev, A. V.Zhilenkov, D. V. Mishchenko, N. V.Penkov, I. Y.Teplov, E. I.Yakupova, I. M. Vikhlyantsev and P. A.Troshin. Anti-amyloid activities of three different types of water-soluble fullerene derivatives. Anti-amyloid activities of three different types of water-soluble fullerene derivatives, Colloids Surf. B 2019183, 110426.
  22. A. Rybkin, A. Kotelnikov, D. Volyniuk, J. V. Grazulevicius, O. Kraevaya, A. Belik, E. Khakina, A. Zhilenkov, N. Goryachev, P. Troshin. Covalently-linked water-soluble fullerene-fluorescein dyads as highly efficient photosensitizers: synthesis, photophysical properties and photochemical action, Dyes  Pigm. 2019, 160, 457-466.
  23. N. S. Goryachev, A. Yu. Belik, A. Yu. Rybkin, P. A. Mikhailov, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotel’nikov. Investigation of the Spectral Properties of Noncovalent Complexes of a Polysubstituted Water-Soluble Derivative of the C60 Fullerene and Chlorin e6 in Polar Solvents, Opt. Spectrosc2019, 126, 6, 629-633.

Ученая степень к.х.н.

тел.: +7 496 522-14-18

e-mail: okraevaya@inbox.ru

Научные интересы

Химия фуллеренов, ковалентная функционализация фуллеренового каркаса, органический синтез, противовирусные препараты, полупроводниковые материалы, редокс-активные полимеры


  1. Стипендия Президента Российской Федерации | (2022)
  2. “Молодой ученый” – ведомственная награда Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации | (2021)
  3. Стипендия Президента Российской Федерации | (2021)
  4. Стипендия Правительства Российской Федерации | (2021)
  5. Награда за лучший устный доклад на E-MRS Fall Meeting 2020, Польша | E-MRS (2020)
  6. Стипендия Правительства Российской Федерации | (2019-2020)
  7. Первая премия конкурса молодых ученых им. С.М. Батурина | ИПХФ РАН (2018)
  8. Стипендия Фонда имени В. И. Вернадского для студентов | (2017)
  9. Награда за лучший постерный доклад на E-MRS Spring Meeting 2016, Франция | E-MRS (2016)

Список публикаций

  1. O. A. Kraevaya, A. F. Latypova, A. A. Sokolova, A. A. Seleznyova, N. A. Emelianov, N. A. Slesarenko, V. Yu. Markov, L. A. Frolova, P. A. Troshin. Oxidative polymerization of triarylamines: a promising route to low-cost hole transport materials for efficient perovskite solar cells, Sustain. Energy Fuels 2022, 10.1039/D2SE00492E.
  2. O. A. Kraevaya, V. S. Bolshakova, A. S. Peregudov, A. V. Chernyak, N. A. Slesarenko, V. Yu. Markov, N. S. Lukonina, V. M. Martynenko, E. O. Sinegubova, A. F. Shestakov, V. V. Zarubaev, D. Schols, P.A. Troshin. Water-Promoted Reaction of C60Ar5Cl Compounds with Thiophenes Delivers a Family of Multifunctional Fullerene Derivatives with Selective Antiviral Properties, Org. Lett202123, 18, 7226–7230.
  3. H.-J. Huang, M. Chetyrkina, C.-W. Wong, O. A. Kraevaya, A. V. Zhilenkov, I. I. Voronov, P.-H. Wang, P. A. Troshin, S.-h. Hsu. Identification of potential descriptors of water-soluble fullerene derivatives responsible for antitumor effects on lung cancer cells via QSAR analysis, Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J202119, 812-825.
  4. S. V. Kostyuk, E. V. Proskurnina, E. S. Ershova, L. V. Kameneva, E. M. Malinovskaya, E. A. Savinova, V. A. Sergeeva, P. E. Umriukhin, O. A. Dolgikh, E. A. Khakina, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, S. I. Kutsev, N. N. Veiko. The Phosphonate Derivative of C60 Fullerene Induces Differentiation towards the Myogenic Lineage in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Int. J. Mol. Sci202122, 17, 9284.
  5. I. A. Avilova, Yu. V. Soldatova,  , A. V. Zhilenkov, E. A. Dolgikh, R. A. Kotel’nikova, P. A. Troshin, V. I. Volkov. Self-Diffusion of Fullerene С60 Derivatives in Aqueous Solutions and Suspensions of Erythrocytes According to Pulsed Field Gradient NMR Data, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 202195, 285–291.
  6. Yu. V. Soldatova, D. A. Areshidze, A. V. Zhilenkov, O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, D. A. Poletaeva, I. I. Faingold, P. A. Troshin, R. A. Kotelnikova. Water-soluble fullerene derivatives: the inhibition effect on polyol pathway enzymes and antidiabetic potential on high-fat diet/low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats, J. Nanopart. Res202123, 202.
  7. O. Kraevaya, A. V. Novikov, A. F. Shestakov, E. Ershova, E. Savinova, L. Kameneva, N. Veiko, D. Schols, J. Balzarini, S. Kostyuk, P. Troshin. Water-soluble fullerene-based nanostructures with promising antiviral and myogenic activity, Chem. Comm202056, 10203-10206.
  8. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, I. A. Godovikov, E. V. Shchurik, V. M. Martynenko, A. F. Shestakov,  J. Balzarini, D. Schols and P. A. Troshin. Direct arylation of C60Cl6 and C70Cl8 with carboxylic acids: a synthetic avenue to water-soluble fullerene derivatives with promising antiviral activity, Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 1179-1182.
  9. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, N. E. Fedorova, R. R. Klimova, I. A. Godovikov, D. V. Mishchenko,  A. F. Shestakov, D. Schols,  A. A. Kushch, P. A. Troshin. Thiophene-based water-soluble fullerene derivatives as highly potent antiherpetic pharmaceuticals, Org. Biomol. Chem202018, 8702-8708.
  10. H. J. Huang, O. A. Kraevaya, I. I. Voronov, P. A. Troshin, S.-h. Hsu. Fullerene Derivatives as Lung Cancer Cell Inhibitors: Investigation of Potential Descriptors Using QSAR Approaches, Int. J. Nanomedicine 202015, 2485-2499.
  11. S. V. Kostyuk, E. V. Proskurnina, E. A. Savinova, E. S. Ershova, O. A. Kraevaya, L. V. Kameneva, P. E. Umryukhin, O. A. Dolgikh, S. I. Kutsev, P. A. Troshin, N. N. Veiko. Effects of Functionalized Fullerenes on ROS Homeostasis Determine Their Cytoprotective or Cytotoxic Properties, Nanomaterials 202010, 7, 1405.
  12. D. D. Dashitsyrenova, S. A. Adonin, I. D. Gorokh, O. A. Kraevaya, A. V. Pavlova, P. A. Abramov, L. Frolova,   V. P. Fedin, M. N. Sokolov, P. A. Troshin. Memory devices based on novel alkyl viologen halobismuthate (III) complexes, Chem. Commun202056, 64, 9162-9165.
  13. A. Yu. Rybkin, A. Yu. Belik, N. S. Goryachev,  P. A. Mikhaylov, O. A. Kraevaya, N. V. Filatova, I. I. Parkhomenko, A. S. Peregudov, A. A. Terent’ev, E. A. Larkina, A. F. Mironov, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotelnikov. Self-assembling nanostructures of water-soluble fullerene[60]–chlorin e6 dyads: Synthesis, photophysical properties, and photodynamic activity, Dyes  Pigm2020, 180, 108411.
  14. O. A. Kraevaya, E. V. Shchurik, P. A. Troshin. Ni-based coordination polymer as a promising anode material for potassium ion batteries, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 1901050.
  15. S. Tsarev, O. A. Kraevaya, S. Yu. Luchkin, K. J. Stevenson, and  P.A. Troshin. TEMPOL-promoted oxygen doping of a polytriarylamine hole-transport layer for efficient and stable lead halide perovskite solar cells, J. Mater. Chem. C 20208, 2419-2424.
  16. L. V. Tatyanenko, O. V. Pokidova, N. S. Goryachev, O. A. Kraevaya, E. A. Khakina, A. Yu. Belik, A. Yu. Rybkin, O. V. Dobrokhotova, I. Yu. Pikhteleva, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotelnikov. Effects of covalent conjugates of fullerene derivatives with xantane dyes on activity of the sarcoplasmatic reticulum, Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 2020169, 1, 89-94.
  17. E. A. Savinova, E. S. Ershova, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, S. V. Kostyuk. Antioxidant Properties of a New Water-Soluble Fullerene C70 Derivative, KEM 2020, 854, 223-229.
  18. O. A. Kraevaya, A. S. Peregudov, S. I. Troyanov, I. Godovikov, N. E. Fedorova, R. R. Klimova, V. A. Sergeeva, L. V. Kameneva, E. S. Ershova, V. M. Martynenko, S. Claes,  A. A. Kushch, S. V. Kostyuk,  D. Schols, A. F. Shestakov and  Pavel A. Troshin. Diversion of the Arbuzov reaction: alkylation of C–Cl instead of phosphonic ester formation on the fullerene cage, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 7155-7160.
  19. V. Sergeeva, O. Kraevaya, E. Ershova, L. Kameneva, E. Malinovskaya, O. Dolgikh, M. Konkova, I. Voronov, A. Zhilenkov, N. Veiko, P. Troshin, S. Kutsev and S. Kostyuk. Antioxidant properties of fullerene derivatives depend on their chemical structure: a study of two fullerene derivatives on HELFs, Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. 2019, 4398695.
  20. C.-W. Wong, A. V. Zhilenkov, O. A. Kraevaya, D. V. Mischenko, P. A. Troshi, S.-h. Hsu. Toward Understanding the Antitumor Effects of Water-Soluble Fullerene Derivatives on Lung Cancer Cells: Apoptosis or Autophagy Pathways? J. Med. Chem. 2019, 62, 15, 7111-7125. 
  21. A. G. Bobylev, O. A. Kraevaya, L. G. Bobyleva, E. A.Khakina, R. S.Fadeev, A. V.Zhilenkov, D. V. Mishchenko, N. V.Penkov, I. Y.Teplov, E. I.Yakupova, I. M. Vikhlyantsev and P. A.Troshin. Anti-amyloid activities of three different types of water-soluble fullerene derivatives. Anti-amyloid activities of three different types of water-soluble fullerene derivatives, Colloids Surf. B 2019183, 110426.
  22. A. Rybkin, A. Kotelnikov, D. Volyniuk, J. V. Grazulevicius, O. Kraevaya, A. Belik, E. Khakina, A. Zhilenkov, N. Goryachev, P. Troshin. Covalently-linked water-soluble fullerene-fluorescein dyads as highly efficient photosensitizers: synthesis, photophysical properties and photochemical action, Dyes  Pigm. 2019, 160, 457-466.
  23. N. S. Goryachev, A. Yu. Belik, A. Yu. Rybkin, P. A. Mikhailov, O. A. Kraevaya, P. A. Troshin, A. I. Kotel’nikov. Investigation of the Spectral Properties of Noncovalent Complexes of a Polysubstituted Water-Soluble Derivative of the C60 Fullerene and Chlorin e6 in Polar Solvents, Opt. Spectrosc2019, 126, 6, 629-633.