Патлажан Станислав Абрамович, в.н.с.

Ученая степень д.ф.-м.н.




Научные степени и образование

1997            Доктор физико-математических наук по специальности 02.00.06 –
                    Высокомолекулярные соединения, ДК № 009563.

1978            Кандидат физико-математических наук, ФМ № 007303.

1972            Инженер-физик, Московский институт электронной техники, E № 587524.

Научные должности

2013 – н/вр           главный научный сотрудник – Федеральный исследовательский
                              центр химической физики им. Н.Н. Семенова РАН

2003 – 2013          ведущий научный сотрудник – Институт химической физики им. Н.Н. Семенова РАН

1978 – 2002          младший научный сотрудник, старший научный сотрудник (1984), ведущий научный
                             сотрудник (1997) – Институт проблем химической физики РАН

Опыт совместной научной работы

1993        Visiting Professor – Ecole des Mines de Paris, CEMEF, Sophia Antipolis, France (one year).

1995–1996  Visiting Professor – University of Pittsburgh, Department of Materials Sci. and Engineering, Pittsburgh, USA (one year).

1998, 2000 Invited Professor – Institut Charles Sadron, Université Louis Pasteur, (UPR 22 – CNRS) Strasbourg, France (2 months per year).

1999        Cooperation between CNRS and Russian Academy of Sciences, Institut Charles Sadron (CNRS) Strasbourg, France (1 months).

2000–2002, 2004 Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, ULP, Laboratory on Processes and Polymeric Materials, Strasbourg, France (2 months per year).

2003        Invited Professor – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (2 months).

2002–2003  Directeur de Recherches associé – Ecole des Mines de Paris, CEMEF (UMR 7635 – CNRS), Sophia-Antipolis, France (one year).

2005        Directeur de Recherches associé – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (6 months).

2006        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, ULP, Laboratory d’Ingenierie des Polymeres pour Hautes Technologies, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2006-2007  Directeur de Recherches associé – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (6 months).

2008        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (3 months)

2009        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (2 months)

2010        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Laboratory d’Ingenierie des Polymeres pour Hautes Technologies, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2010        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (4 months)

2011        Invited Professor – Institute of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2011        Invited Professor – National School for Water and Environmental Engineering, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2012        Visiting Professor – CEMEF Mines ParisTech, Sophia-Antipolis, France (3 months).

2013        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Group for the Intensification and Integration of Polymer Processes ICPEES, Strasbourg, France (3 months).

2013–н/вр  ведущий научный сотрудник (по совместительству) – Институт проблем химической физики РАН, лаборатория вычислительной гидродинамики

2014        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Group for the Intensification and Integration of Polymer Processes ICPEES, Strasbourg, France (3 months).

2015        Visiting Professor – l’ICube UMR 7357 – Laboratoire des sciences de l’ingénieur, de l’informatique et de l’imagerie de Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

Преподавательская деятельность

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет, кафедра физики полимеров:

  • “Оптические свойства полимеров и сложных жидкостей”
  • “Физическая реология полимеров”

Ecole Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM), Universitè Louis Pasteur Strasbourg:

  • “Theory of viscoelasticity of microheterogeneous polymer materials”
  • “Optical properties of polymer systems”
  • “Rheology of complex fluids”
  • “Mechanics and Microstructure”
  • “Polymer Mechanics”

Московский физико-технический институт:

  • “Физика полимеров”

Профессиональная активность

Научные и диссертационные советы

Член Научного совета по высокомолекулярным соединениям Российской академии наук, 1998-н/вр.
Член диссертационного совета Д.002.012.01 по защите докторских и кандидатских диссертаций при ФИЦ ХФ РАН, 2004-н/вр.
Член диссертационного совета Д 002.082.02 по защите докторских и кандидатских диссертаций при ИПХФ РАН, 2017-н/вр.


Эксперт Фонда развития центра разработки и коммерциализации новых технологий (Фонд «Сколково»), 2014- н/вр.
Эксперт Российской Академии наук, 2018-н/вр.

Научные журналы

–     Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Композиты и наноструктуры» 2013-н/вр.

Организация научных конференций

  • Ученый секретарь всесоюзного симпозиума “Теоретические проблемы полимеров в твердой фазе”, Черноголовка, апрель, 1985.
  • Сопредседатель всесоюзной конференции “Теоретическая физика полимеров”, Черноголовка, февраль, 1989.
  • Сопредседатель совещания “Физика полимерных сеток”, Черноголовка, февраль, 1989.
  • Сопредседатель международного симпозиума «Структурно-чувствительная механика полимерных материалов. Физические и механические аспекты», Москва, 28-31 января 2004.
  • Co-chairman of EUROMECH Colloquium 487 “Structure-sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials. Physical and Mechanical Aspects”, Strasbourg, France, October 10-13, 2006.
  • Co-chairman of the Third International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB3) “Multiphysics Approaches for the Behavior of Polymers and Polymer-based nanomaterials”, Marrakech, Morocco, November 3-6, 2008.
  • Co-chairman of the IUPAC-Fourth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB4) “Multiphysics Approaches for the Behavior of Polymers and Polymer-based nanomaterials”, Lodz, Poland, September 20-23, 2010.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials 2011 – present.
  • Сопредседатель Российско-Французского симпозиума по композиционным материалам, Санкт-Петербург, июль 2012.
  • Co-chairman of the Fifth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB5), Aveiro, Portugal, October, 2012.
  • Co-chairman of the Sixth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB6), Vienna, Austria, September, 2014.
  • Член программного комитета VI Всероссийской с международным участием конференции «Макромолекулярные нанообъекты и полимерные нанокомпозиты» Москва, 9-14 октября 2016
  • Член программного комитета VII Бакеевской Всероссийской с международным участием конференции «Макромолекулярные нанообъекты и полимерные нанокомпозиты» Москва, 7-12 октября 2018
  • Член программного комитета VIII Всероссийской Каргинской конференции “Полимеры 2020”.


–     Directeur de Recherches associé (Post Rouge CNRS) – ассоциированный руководитель научных исследований – Mines ParisTech, CEMEF, France (2002).

–     Directeur de Recherches associé (Post Rouge CNRS) – ассоциированный руководитель научных исследований – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides, France (2006).

–     Благодарность Федерального агенства научных организаций (ФАНО) за безупречный труд и высокие достижения в профессиональной деятельности (2017).

–     Лауреат премии им. Г.В. Виноградова Российского Реологического Общества (2018).

Список публикаций

Избранные статьи в рецензируемых изданиях

1. S.A. Patlazhan, “Photoelastic Properties of Textured  Heterogeneous Polymer Materials”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 17-23 (1993).

2. S.A. Patlazhan, “Statistical Approach to Light Scattering From Deformed Textured Heterogeneous Polymer Materials”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 1649-1665 (1993).

3. S.A. Patlazhan, “Light Scattering in the Swollen Textured Polymer Networks”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 1695-1703 (1993).

4. S.A. Patlazhan, “Porosity and Microstructure of Polydisperse Hard Sphere Random Packing”. Physica 198A, 368-384 (1993).

5. S.A. Patlazhan, “Statistical Theory of Effective Viscosity of Polydisperse Hard Sphere Concentrated Suspensions”. Physica 198A, 385-400 (1993).

6. S.A. Patlazhan, E.Ya. Misochko and S.A. Snegur, “Structural Peculiarities of the Aggregated Particles of Poly(Silica Acid) in Polar and Nonpolar Media”. Polymer Sci. 35, 1685-1690 (1993).

7. С.А. Патлажан и В.Б. Андрейченко, “К теории структурной AB-перколяции”. Препринт. ОИХФ РАН, 1-8 (1993).

8. S.A. Patlazhan, “On Theory of Light Scattering from Diluted Polymer Suspension Under Shear Flow”. Polymer Sci. 36, 1284-1290 (1994).

9. S.A. Patlazhan and P. Navard, “A Light Scattering Theory for Filled Diluted Polymer Solution Under Flow”. J. Phys. II France 5, 1017-1033 (1995).

10. S.A. Patlazhan, J.B. Riti, and P. Navard, “Light Scattering from Lyotropic Textured Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Under Shear Flow”. In “Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers”, Eds. A.I. Nakatani and M.D. Dadmun, ACS Series 597, 298-307 (1995).

11. S.A. Patlazhan, J.B. Riti, and P. Navard, “Light Scattering by Shear Induced Defects of Nematic LC polymers”. Macromolecules 29, 2029-2038 (1996).

12. S.A. Patlazhan, “Interface Stability of Stratified Viscous Liquids in Couette Flow”. JETP Letters 64, 357-361 (1996).

13. S.A. Patlazhan and J.T .Lindt, “Kinetics of Structure Development in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Under Simple Shear Flow”. J. Rheology 40, 1095-1113 (1996).

14. S.A. Patlazhan and J.T. Lindt, “Comment on: kinetics of structure development in liquid-liquid dispersions under simple shear flow” J. Rheology 41, 1395-1396 (1997).

15. S.A. Patlazhan and I.Ya. Ladyzhinskii , “Phase Diagrams of a Binary Blend of Monomers Forming Thermoreversible A-B Gels”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 39, 1100-1107 (1997).

16. S.A. Patlazhan, “Phase Diagrams of Solutions of Polymers Forming Thermoreversible Gels”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 40, 510-517 (1998).

17. V. G. Oshmyan, S. A. Patlazhan and S. A. Timan, “Elastic Properties of Disordered Continuum of Regular Fractal Structure: Self-Consistent Approach and Finite-Element Method Simulations”, J. Macromol. Sci., Physics B 38, 759-768 (1999).

18. Gorodetzkii O.M., Oshmyan V.G., Patlazhan S.A., Timan S.A. “Simulation of the effect of the regular elastic fractal dimension on universal exponents values”. In: “Chemical Physics of Polymers and Composite Materials”, 2, 244-251 (2000).

19. V. G. Oshmyan, S. A. Patlazhan and S. A. Timan, “Elastic properties of Sierpinski-like carpets: FEM-based simulation”. Phys. Rev. E, 64, 056108 (2001).

20. S. A. Patlazhan, “Internal Stress and Light Scattering under Swelling and Collapse of Heterogeneous Networks”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 44, 1029-1037 (2002).

21. K. C. Schuster, S. A. Patlazhan, P. Navard, et. al. “In-line Structure Analysis in the Lyocell Spinning Process: Characterizing the Emerging Lyocell Fibre Structures by Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS)”. In “Alternative Cellulose – Herstellen, Verformen, Eigenschaften”, Vienna, 1-12 (2002).

22. K. C. Schuster, P. Aldred, M. Villa, M. Baron, R. Loidl, O. Biganska, S. Patlazhan, P. Navard, H. Rüf, E. Jericha Characterising the emerging lyocell fibres structures by ultra small angle neutron scattering (USANS). Lenzinger Berichte, 82, 107-117 (2004).

23. E. Jerichaa, M. Villaa, M. Barona, R. Loidla, O. Biganska, P. Navard, S. Patlazhan, P. Aldred, H. Ruf, K.C. Schuster “Structure investigation of lyocell fibres by in situ USANS measurements”. Physica B, 350, e541-e544 (2004).

24. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “Peculiarities of small-strain deformations of semi-crystalline polymer: coupling of structural transformations with stress-strain response”. Journal of Materials Science, 39, 3577-3586 (2004)

25. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “Effect of structural transformation and non-linear plastic flow onto the small-strain deformations of semi-crystalline polymers” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 47, 346-351 (2005)

26. S. Vervoort, S. Patlazhan, J. Weyts, T. Budtova, “Solvent release from highly swollen gels under compression” Polymer, 46, 121-127 (2005)

27. D. Sarazin, C. Picot, S.A. Patlazhan “Structure of PVDF Solutions in Acetone.” Macromolecules, 39(3) 1226-1233 (2006)

28. A.A. Berlin, V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, S.A. Timan, M.Yu. Shamaev, A.R. Khokhlov “Calculating the rigidity of a composite with allowance for flexural deformations of the filler” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 48, 198-206 (2006)

29. K. Hizoum, Y. Rémond, N. Bahlouli, V. Oshmyan, S. Patlazhan, S. Ahzi “Non linear strain rate dependency and unloading behavior of semi crystalline polymers” Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 61 (6), 743-749 (2006)

30. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, and Y. Rémond, “Principles of structural-mechanical modelling of polymers and composites” Polymer Science, Ser. A,  48 (9) 1004-1013 (2006)

31. S. Patlazhan, G. Schlatter, C. Serra, M. Bouquey, and R. Muller, “Shear-induced fractal morphology of immiscible reactive polymer blends” Polymer 47 (17), 6099-6106 (2006)

32. Y. Rémond and S. Patlazhan, Conference Report: Euromech Colloquium 487 “Structure Sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials – Physical and Mechanical Aspects” Applied Rheology, 17:2 108-111 (2007)

33. S. Patlazhan and Y. Rémond, International Colloquium “Structure Sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials: Physical and Mechanical Aspects”, Polymer Science, Ser. A, 50 (5) 481-482 (2008)

34. S. Patlazhan, K. Hizoum, and Y. Rémond, “Stress–strain behavior of high-density polyethylene below the yield point: effect of unloading rate” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 50 (5) 507-513 (2008)

35. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, and A.R. Khokhlov, “Linear rheology of compressible soft nanocomposites”. Rheologica Acta, 47 (5) 359-368 (2008)

36. V. Oshmyan, S. Patlazhan, and Y. Rémond, “Nonlinear deformation behavior of semicrystalline polymers below the yield point”. In book: “Nonlinear Phenomena in Polymer Solids and Low-dimensional Systems” International Conference NPPS-2008, Moscow, Russia, 140-149 (2008)

37. I. Kravchenko and S. Patlazhan, “Effect of wall slip on the shear flow of a polymer in a channel with a wavy bottom” Polymer Science A, 51 (8) 923-929 (2009).

38. I. Kravchenko and S. Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamic structuring of a viscous composite drop in a shear flow” Doklady Russian Academy of Science. Physical Chemistry, 427, Part 2, pp. 155–158 (2009).

39. S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, Y. Remond, M. Khaleel «Third International Conference on Polymer Behavior (Marrakech, Marocco, 2008)» Applied Rheology. 19 (4) 247-249 (2009)

40. S. A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, M. Bouquey, and R. Muller, “Structure of Polymer Networks Formed by Diffusion of a Cross-Linking Agent from Filler Particles” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 435, Part 1, pp. 189–191 (2010).

41. S.A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, M. Bouquey, C.A. Serra, and R. Muller “Diffusion crosslinking kinetics of thermoset polymers” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 20, n. 6, 389–398 (2011)

42. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko “Influence of interfacial slip on mechanical adhesion of immiscible polymers”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 25, n. 12, 1425-1434 (2011)

43. A. Ghazavizadeh, M. Baniassadi, M. Safdari, A. A. Atai, S. Ahzi, S. A. Patlazhan, J. Gracio, and D. Ruch “Evaluating the Effect of Mechanical Loading on the Electrical Percolation Threshold of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymers: A 3D Monte-Carlo Study” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 8, n. 10, 2087-2099 (2011)

44. I.V. Kravchenko, V. Sultanov, S.A. Patlazhan, “Mechanism of Stability of the Shear Flow of a Bilayer System of Viscous Liquids” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 440, Part 1, pp. 171–173 (2011).

45. K. Hizoum, Y. Rémond, S. Patlazhan “Coupling of nanocavitation with cyclic deformation behavior of high-density polyethylene below the yield point”, J. Engineering Materials and Technology. 133, n. 3, 030901-1 – 030901-5 (2011). DOI: 10.1115/1.4004047

46. F. Addiego, J. Di Martino, D. Ruch, A. Dahoun, O. Godard, and S. Patlazhan “Cavitation of CaCO3 filled HDPE Subjected to Tension: Mechanisms and Particle Size Effect”, J. Engineering Materials and Technology. 133, n. 3, 030904 (2011).

47. A Delgado, F Addiego, S Ahzi, S Patlazhan, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, “Microstructure design of UHMWPE-based materials: blending with graphite nanoplatelets”, Materials Science and Engineering 31, 012009, 1-6 (2012). DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/31/1/012009.

48. A. Delgado-Rangel, F. Addiego, F. Eddoumy, S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, V. Toniazzo, D. Ruch, “Impact of microextrusion and addition of graphite nanoplatelets on bulk and surface mechanical properties of UHMWPE”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, n.6, 4316-4325 (2012).

49. A.K. Mossi Idrissa, S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond and D. Ruch “A constitutive model for stress-strain response and Mullins effect in filled elastomers” submitted to Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, n.6, 4368-4375 (2012).

50. S. Patlazhan and Y. Rémond, “Structure-sensitive mechanics of semicrystalline polymers – Review”, Journal of Materials Science, 47, n. 19, 6749-6767 (2012).

51. V.P. Melnikov, F. Addiego, V.V. Smirnov, D. Ruch, A.A. Berlin, S. Patlazhan, “PTFE/fluorinated carbon nanocomposites: in situ polymerization and material structure”, Polymer Engineering & Science 53, n.12, 2549-2555 (2013). DOI 10.1002/pen.23505

52. S.Vagner, I. Kravchenko, and S. Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamics of composite droplet in confinement conditions”. In book: Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics and Condensed Matter Physics” Eds. A.I. Manevich, M.A. Mazo, V.V. Smirnov, Moscow, Russia, 307-313 (2013)

53. S. Patlazhan, I. Kravchenko, T. Budtova, V. Sultanov, “Deformation behavior of composite drop in simple shear flow” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 454, n.1, 63-66 (2014).

54. E. Stegno, K. Zuev, A. Grachev, V. Lalayan, S. Patlazhan, A. Shaulov, A. Berlin, “Flow peculiarities of polyethylene and oligomer of borone oxide blends” Polymer Science, 56, n.2, 170-173 (2014).

55. S. O. Ilyin, A.Ya. Malkin, V.G. Kulichikhin, E.V. Stegno, A.Yu. Shaulov, A.A. Berlin, and S.A. Patlazhan “Rheological Properties of Polyethylene/metaboric acid Thermoplastic Blends” Rheological Acta 53, 467–475 (2014).

56. S.A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan, “Peculiarities of Shear Flow in Microchannels with Superhydrophobic Wall”, Doklady Physical Chemistry 459 (2), 203-206 (2015).

57. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko, S A. Vagner, M.S. Gurevich, E.L. Levchenko, A.A. Berlin “Segregation of a Two-Phase Mixture of Incompatible Viscous Fluids in Laminar Flow”, Doklady Physical Chemistry 460 (1), 15-18 (2015).

58. F. Addiego, S. Patlazhan, S. André, S. Bernstroff, V. Toniazzo, D. Ruch, “Time‐resolved small‐angle X‐ray scattering study of void fraction evolution in high‐density polyethylene during stress unloading and strain recovery”, Polymer International, 64 (11), 1513-1521 (2015).

59. S. Patlazhan, S. Vagner, and I. Kravchenko “Steady-state deformation behavior of confined composite droplets under shear flow” Physical Review E 91(06), 063002 (1–9) (2015).

60. S. Patlazhan, “Effect of slip boundary conditions on interfacial stability of two-layer viscous fluids under shear” ArXiv:1506.02141v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 6 Jun 2015, P. 1-28 (2015).

61. I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Patlazhan, R. Muller and V.G. Sultanov “The origin of extensional flow in a channel with sudden contraction and expansion” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 774, 012026 (2016)

62. S.A. Vagner and S.A. Patlazhan “Hydrodynamics of Newtonian and power-law fluids in microchannel with superhydrophobic wall” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 774, 012027 1-9 (2016).

63. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko, R. Muller, Y. Hoarau, Y. Remond, A.A. Berlin “Bifurcation of a Newtonian-Fluid Flow in a Planar Channel with Sudden Contraction and Expansion” Doklady Physics, 62 (3), 145–148 (2017).

64. S.A. Patlazhan and S.A. Vagner “Apparent slip of shear thinning fluid in a microchannel with a superhydrophobic wall” Physical Review E 96, 013104 (1-12) (2017).

65. A. K. Mossi Idrissa, K. Wang, S. Ahzi , S. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “A composite approach for modeling deformation behaviors of thermoplastic polyurethane considering soft-hard domains transformation”. International Journal of Material Forming, published online in 2017. 11, n. 3, 381–388 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s12289-017-1369-0.

66. S.A. Vagner, I.V. Kravchenko, S.A Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamics of composite droplet with high-viscosity shell subjected to shear flow in the narrow channel” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 946, 012116 (1-7) (2018).

67. S. A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan, C.A. Serra, “Formation of microdroplets in Newtonian and shear thinning fluids flowing in coaxial capillaries. Numerical modeling”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 946, 012117 (1-6) (2018).

68. E.V. Stegno, V.M. Lalayan, L. V. Vladimirov, N.G. Berezkina, A.V. Grachev, A.Yu Shaulov, S.A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, “Orientation Effects in Hybrid-Polymer Mixtures” Polymer Science, Series D, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 209–214 (2018). DOI: 10.1134/S1995421218020181

69. S.A Patlazhan., I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Vagner, M.S. Gurevich, A.M. Karp, “Prediction of the water salinity influence on the quality of oil water cut measurement” Automation, Telemechanization and Communication in Oil Industry, n. 5, 37-41 (2018). DOI: 10.30713/0132-2222-2018-5-37-41

70. A.Ya. Malkin and S.A. Patlazhan, “Wall slip for complex liquids – Phenomenon and its causes” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 257, pp. 42-57 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2018.05.008.

71. А.А. Берлин, С.А. Патлажан, И.В. Кравченко, К.Ю. Прочухан, Ю.А. Прочухан “Интенсификация быстрых химических процессов на межфазных границах двухкомпонентных жидких сред в трубчатых турбулентных реакторах”, Химическая Физика, 2019, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 25–31. DOI: 10.1134/S1990793119010056

72. E.V. Stegno, V.M. Lalayan, N.G. Berezkina, A.V. Grachev, A.Yu Shaulov, A.A. Berlin, S.A. Patlazhan, “Abnormal mechanical properties of composites based on boron oxide oligomer/polyethylene blends” Polymer Composites, 40, No. 3, 916-923, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24761

73. А.Я. Малкин, С.А. Патлажан, В.Г. Куличихин, “Физико-химические явления, приводящие к скольжению жидкости по твердой поверхности”, Успехи химии, 2019, 88 (3) 319 – 349. DOI: 10.1070/RCR4849?locatt=label:RUSSIAN

74. A. Bagherian, M. Baghani, D. George, Y. Rémond, C. Chappard, S. Patlazhan, M. Baniassadi, A novel numerical model for the prediction of patient dependent bone density loss in microgravity based on micro-CT images, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., published online June 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00161-019-00798-8

75. S. A. Patlazhan, D. E. Roshchin, I. V. Kravchenko, A. A. Berlin, Russian “Flow Bifurcations of Shear-Thinning Fluids in a Channel with Sudden Contraction and Expansion” Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 13, No. 5, 842–848 (2019). DOI: 10.1134/S1990793119050063

76. S.A. Vagner and S.A. Patlazhan, Flow structure and mixing efficiency of viscous fluids in microchannel with a striped superhydrophobic wall, Langmuir — 2019. Doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02884

77. S.A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan and C.A. Serra “Flow morphology of two-phase fluid in co-axial capillaries: Numerical simulation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012062

78. I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Patlazhan and V.G. Sultanov “Microfibers formation in two-phase fluid flowing in a channel with the abrupt constriction. Numerical modeling”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012061

79. D.E. Roshchin, I.V. Kravchenko and S.A. Patlazhan, “Flow bifurcation transitions of inelastic shear thinning fluids in a channel with sudden contraction and expansion”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012060

80. А.Ю. Шаулов, С.А. Патлажан, А.А. Берлин и др. Неорганические и гибридные полимеры и композиты, Химическая физика, т. 39, №2 (2020). Doi: 10.1134/S1990793120010157

Ученая степень д.ф.-м.н.




Научные степени и образование

1997            Доктор физико-математических наук по специальности 02.00.06 –
                    Высокомолекулярные соединения, ДК № 009563.

1978            Кандидат физико-математических наук, ФМ № 007303.

1972            Инженер-физик, Московский институт электронной техники, E № 587524.

Научные должности

2013 – н/вр           главный научный сотрудник – Федеральный исследовательский
                              центр химической физики им. Н.Н. Семенова РАН

2003 – 2013          ведущий научный сотрудник – Институт химической физики им. Н.Н. Семенова РАН

1978 – 2002          младший научный сотрудник, старший научный сотрудник (1984), ведущий научный
                             сотрудник (1997) – Институт проблем химической физики РАН

Опыт совместной научной работы

1993        Visiting Professor – Ecole des Mines de Paris, CEMEF, Sophia Antipolis, France (one year).

1995–1996  Visiting Professor – University of Pittsburgh, Department of Materials Sci. and Engineering, Pittsburgh, USA (one year).

1998, 2000 Invited Professor – Institut Charles Sadron, Université Louis Pasteur, (UPR 22 – CNRS) Strasbourg, France (2 months per year).

1999        Cooperation between CNRS and Russian Academy of Sciences, Institut Charles Sadron (CNRS) Strasbourg, France (1 months).

2000–2002, 2004 Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, ULP, Laboratory on Processes and Polymeric Materials, Strasbourg, France (2 months per year).

2003        Invited Professor – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (2 months).

2002–2003  Directeur de Recherches associé – Ecole des Mines de Paris, CEMEF (UMR 7635 – CNRS), Sophia-Antipolis, France (one year).

2005        Directeur de Recherches associé – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (6 months).

2006        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, ULP, Laboratory d’Ingenierie des Polymeres pour Hautes Technologies, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2006-2007  Directeur de Recherches associé – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides (UMR 7507 -CNRS) Strasbourg, France (6 months).

2008        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (3 months)

2009        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (2 months)

2010        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Laboratory d’Ingenierie des Polymeres pour Hautes Technologies, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2010        Invited Professor – Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg  (4 months)

2011        Invited Professor – Institute of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2011        Invited Professor – National School for Water and Environmental Engineering, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

2012        Visiting Professor – CEMEF Mines ParisTech, Sophia-Antipolis, France (3 months).

2013        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Group for the Intensification and Integration of Polymer Processes ICPEES, Strasbourg, France (3 months).

2013–н/вр  ведущий научный сотрудник (по совместительству) – Институт проблем химической физики РАН, лаборатория вычислительной гидродинамики

2014        Invited Professor – Ecole Europeenne de Chimie, Polymeres et Materiaux, University of Strasbourg, Group for the Intensification and Integration of Polymer Processes ICPEES, Strasbourg, France (3 months).

2015        Visiting Professor – l’ICube UMR 7357 – Laboratoire des sciences de l’ingénieur, de l’informatique et de l’imagerie de Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (1 month).

Преподавательская деятельность

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет, кафедра физики полимеров:

  • “Оптические свойства полимеров и сложных жидкостей”
  • “Физическая реология полимеров”

Ecole Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM), Universitè Louis Pasteur Strasbourg:

  • “Theory of viscoelasticity of microheterogeneous polymer materials”
  • “Optical properties of polymer systems”
  • “Rheology of complex fluids”
  • “Mechanics and Microstructure”
  • “Polymer Mechanics”

Московский физико-технический институт:

  • “Физика полимеров”

Профессиональная активность

Научные и диссертационные советы

Член Научного совета по высокомолекулярным соединениям Российской академии наук, 1998-н/вр.
Член диссертационного совета Д.002.012.01 по защите докторских и кандидатских диссертаций при ФИЦ ХФ РАН, 2004-н/вр.
Член диссертационного совета Д 002.082.02 по защите докторских и кандидатских диссертаций при ИПХФ РАН, 2017-н/вр.


Эксперт Фонда развития центра разработки и коммерциализации новых технологий (Фонд «Сколково»), 2014- н/вр.
Эксперт Российской Академии наук, 2018-н/вр.

Научные журналы

–     Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Композиты и наноструктуры» 2013-н/вр.

Организация научных конференций

  • Ученый секретарь всесоюзного симпозиума “Теоретические проблемы полимеров в твердой фазе”, Черноголовка, апрель, 1985.
  • Сопредседатель всесоюзной конференции “Теоретическая физика полимеров”, Черноголовка, февраль, 1989.
  • Сопредседатель совещания “Физика полимерных сеток”, Черноголовка, февраль, 1989.
  • Сопредседатель международного симпозиума «Структурно-чувствительная механика полимерных материалов. Физические и механические аспекты», Москва, 28-31 января 2004.
  • Co-chairman of EUROMECH Colloquium 487 “Structure-sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials. Physical and Mechanical Aspects”, Strasbourg, France, October 10-13, 2006.
  • Co-chairman of the Third International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB3) “Multiphysics Approaches for the Behavior of Polymers and Polymer-based nanomaterials”, Marrakech, Morocco, November 3-6, 2008.
  • Co-chairman of the IUPAC-Fourth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB4) “Multiphysics Approaches for the Behavior of Polymers and Polymer-based nanomaterials”, Lodz, Poland, September 20-23, 2010.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials 2011 – present.
  • Сопредседатель Российско-Французского симпозиума по композиционным материалам, Санкт-Петербург, июль 2012.
  • Co-chairman of the Fifth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB5), Aveiro, Portugal, October, 2012.
  • Co-chairman of the Sixth International Conference on Polymer Behavior (ICPB6), Vienna, Austria, September, 2014.
  • Член программного комитета VI Всероссийской с международным участием конференции «Макромолекулярные нанообъекты и полимерные нанокомпозиты» Москва, 9-14 октября 2016
  • Член программного комитета VII Бакеевской Всероссийской с международным участием конференции «Макромолекулярные нанообъекты и полимерные нанокомпозиты» Москва, 7-12 октября 2018
  • Член программного комитета VIII Всероссийской Каргинской конференции “Полимеры 2020”.


–     Directeur de Recherches associé (Post Rouge CNRS) – ассоциированный руководитель научных исследований – Mines ParisTech, CEMEF, France (2002).

–     Directeur de Recherches associé (Post Rouge CNRS) – ассоциированный руководитель научных исследований – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et des Solides, France (2006).

–     Благодарность Федерального агенства научных организаций (ФАНО) за безупречный труд и высокие достижения в профессиональной деятельности (2017).

–     Лауреат премии им. Г.В. Виноградова Российского Реологического Общества (2018).

Список публикаций

Избранные статьи в рецензируемых изданиях

1. S.A. Patlazhan, “Photoelastic Properties of Textured  Heterogeneous Polymer Materials”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 17-23 (1993).

2. S.A. Patlazhan, “Statistical Approach to Light Scattering From Deformed Textured Heterogeneous Polymer Materials”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 1649-1665 (1993).

3. S.A. Patlazhan, “Light Scattering in the Swollen Textured Polymer Networks”. J. Polym. Sci. Part B, Polym. Phys. 31, 1695-1703 (1993).

4. S.A. Patlazhan, “Porosity and Microstructure of Polydisperse Hard Sphere Random Packing”. Physica 198A, 368-384 (1993).

5. S.A. Patlazhan, “Statistical Theory of Effective Viscosity of Polydisperse Hard Sphere Concentrated Suspensions”. Physica 198A, 385-400 (1993).

6. S.A. Patlazhan, E.Ya. Misochko and S.A. Snegur, “Structural Peculiarities of the Aggregated Particles of Poly(Silica Acid) in Polar and Nonpolar Media”. Polymer Sci. 35, 1685-1690 (1993).

7. С.А. Патлажан и В.Б. Андрейченко, “К теории структурной AB-перколяции”. Препринт. ОИХФ РАН, 1-8 (1993).

8. S.A. Patlazhan, “On Theory of Light Scattering from Diluted Polymer Suspension Under Shear Flow”. Polymer Sci. 36, 1284-1290 (1994).

9. S.A. Patlazhan and P. Navard, “A Light Scattering Theory for Filled Diluted Polymer Solution Under Flow”. J. Phys. II France 5, 1017-1033 (1995).

10. S.A. Patlazhan, J.B. Riti, and P. Navard, “Light Scattering from Lyotropic Textured Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Under Shear Flow”. In “Flow-Induced Structure in Polymers”, Eds. A.I. Nakatani and M.D. Dadmun, ACS Series 597, 298-307 (1995).

11. S.A. Patlazhan, J.B. Riti, and P. Navard, “Light Scattering by Shear Induced Defects of Nematic LC polymers”. Macromolecules 29, 2029-2038 (1996).

12. S.A. Patlazhan, “Interface Stability of Stratified Viscous Liquids in Couette Flow”. JETP Letters 64, 357-361 (1996).

13. S.A. Patlazhan and J.T .Lindt, “Kinetics of Structure Development in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Under Simple Shear Flow”. J. Rheology 40, 1095-1113 (1996).

14. S.A. Patlazhan and J.T. Lindt, “Comment on: kinetics of structure development in liquid-liquid dispersions under simple shear flow” J. Rheology 41, 1395-1396 (1997).

15. S.A. Patlazhan and I.Ya. Ladyzhinskii , “Phase Diagrams of a Binary Blend of Monomers Forming Thermoreversible A-B Gels”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 39, 1100-1107 (1997).

16. S.A. Patlazhan, “Phase Diagrams of Solutions of Polymers Forming Thermoreversible Gels”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 40, 510-517 (1998).

17. V. G. Oshmyan, S. A. Patlazhan and S. A. Timan, “Elastic Properties of Disordered Continuum of Regular Fractal Structure: Self-Consistent Approach and Finite-Element Method Simulations”, J. Macromol. Sci., Physics B 38, 759-768 (1999).

18. Gorodetzkii O.M., Oshmyan V.G., Patlazhan S.A., Timan S.A. “Simulation of the effect of the regular elastic fractal dimension on universal exponents values”. In: “Chemical Physics of Polymers and Composite Materials”, 2, 244-251 (2000).

19. V. G. Oshmyan, S. A. Patlazhan and S. A. Timan, “Elastic properties of Sierpinski-like carpets: FEM-based simulation”. Phys. Rev. E, 64, 056108 (2001).

20. S. A. Patlazhan, “Internal Stress and Light Scattering under Swelling and Collapse of Heterogeneous Networks”. Polymer Sci. Ser. A, 44, 1029-1037 (2002).

21. K. C. Schuster, S. A. Patlazhan, P. Navard, et. al. “In-line Structure Analysis in the Lyocell Spinning Process: Characterizing the Emerging Lyocell Fibre Structures by Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS)”. In “Alternative Cellulose – Herstellen, Verformen, Eigenschaften”, Vienna, 1-12 (2002).

22. K. C. Schuster, P. Aldred, M. Villa, M. Baron, R. Loidl, O. Biganska, S. Patlazhan, P. Navard, H. Rüf, E. Jericha Characterising the emerging lyocell fibres structures by ultra small angle neutron scattering (USANS). Lenzinger Berichte, 82, 107-117 (2004).

23. E. Jerichaa, M. Villaa, M. Barona, R. Loidla, O. Biganska, P. Navard, S. Patlazhan, P. Aldred, H. Ruf, K.C. Schuster “Structure investigation of lyocell fibres by in situ USANS measurements”. Physica B, 350, e541-e544 (2004).

24. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “Peculiarities of small-strain deformations of semi-crystalline polymer: coupling of structural transformations with stress-strain response”. Journal of Materials Science, 39, 3577-3586 (2004)

25. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “Effect of structural transformation and non-linear plastic flow onto the small-strain deformations of semi-crystalline polymers” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 47, 346-351 (2005)

26. S. Vervoort, S. Patlazhan, J. Weyts, T. Budtova, “Solvent release from highly swollen gels under compression” Polymer, 46, 121-127 (2005)

27. D. Sarazin, C. Picot, S.A. Patlazhan “Structure of PVDF Solutions in Acetone.” Macromolecules, 39(3) 1226-1233 (2006)

28. A.A. Berlin, V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, S.A. Timan, M.Yu. Shamaev, A.R. Khokhlov “Calculating the rigidity of a composite with allowance for flexural deformations of the filler” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 48, 198-206 (2006)

29. K. Hizoum, Y. Rémond, N. Bahlouli, V. Oshmyan, S. Patlazhan, S. Ahzi “Non linear strain rate dependency and unloading behavior of semi crystalline polymers” Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 61 (6), 743-749 (2006)

30. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, and Y. Rémond, “Principles of structural-mechanical modelling of polymers and composites” Polymer Science, Ser. A,  48 (9) 1004-1013 (2006)

31. S. Patlazhan, G. Schlatter, C. Serra, M. Bouquey, and R. Muller, “Shear-induced fractal morphology of immiscible reactive polymer blends” Polymer 47 (17), 6099-6106 (2006)

32. Y. Rémond and S. Patlazhan, Conference Report: Euromech Colloquium 487 “Structure Sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials – Physical and Mechanical Aspects” Applied Rheology, 17:2 108-111 (2007)

33. S. Patlazhan and Y. Rémond, International Colloquium “Structure Sensitive Mechanics of Polymer Materials: Physical and Mechanical Aspects”, Polymer Science, Ser. A, 50 (5) 481-482 (2008)

34. S. Patlazhan, K. Hizoum, and Y. Rémond, “Stress–strain behavior of high-density polyethylene below the yield point: effect of unloading rate” Polymer Science, Ser. A, 50 (5) 507-513 (2008)

35. V.G. Oshmyan, S.A. Patlazhan, and A.R. Khokhlov, “Linear rheology of compressible soft nanocomposites”. Rheologica Acta, 47 (5) 359-368 (2008)

36. V. Oshmyan, S. Patlazhan, and Y. Rémond, “Nonlinear deformation behavior of semicrystalline polymers below the yield point”. In book: “Nonlinear Phenomena in Polymer Solids and Low-dimensional Systems” International Conference NPPS-2008, Moscow, Russia, 140-149 (2008)

37. I. Kravchenko and S. Patlazhan, “Effect of wall slip on the shear flow of a polymer in a channel with a wavy bottom” Polymer Science A, 51 (8) 923-929 (2009).

38. I. Kravchenko and S. Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamic structuring of a viscous composite drop in a shear flow” Doklady Russian Academy of Science. Physical Chemistry, 427, Part 2, pp. 155–158 (2009).

39. S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, Y. Remond, M. Khaleel «Third International Conference on Polymer Behavior (Marrakech, Marocco, 2008)» Applied Rheology. 19 (4) 247-249 (2009)

40. S. A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, M. Bouquey, and R. Muller, “Structure of Polymer Networks Formed by Diffusion of a Cross-Linking Agent from Filler Particles” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 435, Part 1, pp. 189–191 (2010).

41. S.A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, M. Bouquey, C.A. Serra, and R. Muller “Diffusion crosslinking kinetics of thermoset polymers” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 20, n. 6, 389–398 (2011)

42. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko “Influence of interfacial slip on mechanical adhesion of immiscible polymers”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 25, n. 12, 1425-1434 (2011)

43. A. Ghazavizadeh, M. Baniassadi, M. Safdari, A. A. Atai, S. Ahzi, S. A. Patlazhan, J. Gracio, and D. Ruch “Evaluating the Effect of Mechanical Loading on the Electrical Percolation Threshold of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymers: A 3D Monte-Carlo Study” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 8, n. 10, 2087-2099 (2011)

44. I.V. Kravchenko, V. Sultanov, S.A. Patlazhan, “Mechanism of Stability of the Shear Flow of a Bilayer System of Viscous Liquids” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 440, Part 1, pp. 171–173 (2011).

45. K. Hizoum, Y. Rémond, S. Patlazhan “Coupling of nanocavitation with cyclic deformation behavior of high-density polyethylene below the yield point”, J. Engineering Materials and Technology. 133, n. 3, 030901-1 – 030901-5 (2011). DOI: 10.1115/1.4004047

46. F. Addiego, J. Di Martino, D. Ruch, A. Dahoun, O. Godard, and S. Patlazhan “Cavitation of CaCO3 filled HDPE Subjected to Tension: Mechanisms and Particle Size Effect”, J. Engineering Materials and Technology. 133, n. 3, 030904 (2011).

47. A Delgado, F Addiego, S Ahzi, S Patlazhan, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, “Microstructure design of UHMWPE-based materials: blending with graphite nanoplatelets”, Materials Science and Engineering 31, 012009, 1-6 (2012). DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/31/1/012009.

48. A. Delgado-Rangel, F. Addiego, F. Eddoumy, S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, V. Toniazzo, D. Ruch, “Impact of microextrusion and addition of graphite nanoplatelets on bulk and surface mechanical properties of UHMWPE”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, n.6, 4316-4325 (2012).

49. A.K. Mossi Idrissa, S. Ahzi, S. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond and D. Ruch “A constitutive model for stress-strain response and Mullins effect in filled elastomers” submitted to Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125, n.6, 4368-4375 (2012).

50. S. Patlazhan and Y. Rémond, “Structure-sensitive mechanics of semicrystalline polymers – Review”, Journal of Materials Science, 47, n. 19, 6749-6767 (2012).

51. V.P. Melnikov, F. Addiego, V.V. Smirnov, D. Ruch, A.A. Berlin, S. Patlazhan, “PTFE/fluorinated carbon nanocomposites: in situ polymerization and material structure”, Polymer Engineering & Science 53, n.12, 2549-2555 (2013). DOI 10.1002/pen.23505

52. S.Vagner, I. Kravchenko, and S. Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamics of composite droplet in confinement conditions”. In book: Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics and Condensed Matter Physics” Eds. A.I. Manevich, M.A. Mazo, V.V. Smirnov, Moscow, Russia, 307-313 (2013)

53. S. Patlazhan, I. Kravchenko, T. Budtova, V. Sultanov, “Deformation behavior of composite drop in simple shear flow” Doklady Physical Chemistry, 454, n.1, 63-66 (2014).

54. E. Stegno, K. Zuev, A. Grachev, V. Lalayan, S. Patlazhan, A. Shaulov, A. Berlin, “Flow peculiarities of polyethylene and oligomer of borone oxide blends” Polymer Science, 56, n.2, 170-173 (2014).

55. S. O. Ilyin, A.Ya. Malkin, V.G. Kulichikhin, E.V. Stegno, A.Yu. Shaulov, A.A. Berlin, and S.A. Patlazhan “Rheological Properties of Polyethylene/metaboric acid Thermoplastic Blends” Rheological Acta 53, 467–475 (2014).

56. S.A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan, “Peculiarities of Shear Flow in Microchannels with Superhydrophobic Wall”, Doklady Physical Chemistry 459 (2), 203-206 (2015).

57. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko, S A. Vagner, M.S. Gurevich, E.L. Levchenko, A.A. Berlin “Segregation of a Two-Phase Mixture of Incompatible Viscous Fluids in Laminar Flow”, Doklady Physical Chemistry 460 (1), 15-18 (2015).

58. F. Addiego, S. Patlazhan, S. André, S. Bernstroff, V. Toniazzo, D. Ruch, “Time‐resolved small‐angle X‐ray scattering study of void fraction evolution in high‐density polyethylene during stress unloading and strain recovery”, Polymer International, 64 (11), 1513-1521 (2015).

59. S. Patlazhan, S. Vagner, and I. Kravchenko “Steady-state deformation behavior of confined composite droplets under shear flow” Physical Review E 91(06), 063002 (1–9) (2015).

60. S. Patlazhan, “Effect of slip boundary conditions on interfacial stability of two-layer viscous fluids under shear” ArXiv:1506.02141v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 6 Jun 2015, P. 1-28 (2015).

61. I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Patlazhan, R. Muller and V.G. Sultanov “The origin of extensional flow in a channel with sudden contraction and expansion” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 774, 012026 (2016)

62. S.A. Vagner and S.A. Patlazhan “Hydrodynamics of Newtonian and power-law fluids in microchannel with superhydrophobic wall” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 774, 012027 1-9 (2016).

63. S.A. Patlazhan, I.V. Kravchenko, R. Muller, Y. Hoarau, Y. Remond, A.A. Berlin “Bifurcation of a Newtonian-Fluid Flow in a Planar Channel with Sudden Contraction and Expansion” Doklady Physics, 62 (3), 145–148 (2017).

64. S.A. Patlazhan and S.A. Vagner “Apparent slip of shear thinning fluid in a microchannel with a superhydrophobic wall” Physical Review E 96, 013104 (1-12) (2017).

65. A. K. Mossi Idrissa, K. Wang, S. Ahzi , S. Patlazhan, Y. Rémond, “A composite approach for modeling deformation behaviors of thermoplastic polyurethane considering soft-hard domains transformation”. International Journal of Material Forming, published online in 2017. 11, n. 3, 381–388 (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s12289-017-1369-0.

66. S.A. Vagner, I.V. Kravchenko, S.A Patlazhan, “Hydrodynamics of composite droplet with high-viscosity shell subjected to shear flow in the narrow channel” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 946, 012116 (1-7) (2018).

67. S. A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan, C.A. Serra, “Formation of microdroplets in Newtonian and shear thinning fluids flowing in coaxial capillaries. Numerical modeling”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 946, 012117 (1-6) (2018).

68. E.V. Stegno, V.M. Lalayan, L. V. Vladimirov, N.G. Berezkina, A.V. Grachev, A.Yu Shaulov, S.A. Patlazhan, A.A. Berlin, “Orientation Effects in Hybrid-Polymer Mixtures” Polymer Science, Series D, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 209–214 (2018). DOI: 10.1134/S1995421218020181

69. S.A Patlazhan., I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Vagner, M.S. Gurevich, A.M. Karp, “Prediction of the water salinity influence on the quality of oil water cut measurement” Automation, Telemechanization and Communication in Oil Industry, n. 5, 37-41 (2018). DOI: 10.30713/0132-2222-2018-5-37-41

70. A.Ya. Malkin and S.A. Patlazhan, “Wall slip for complex liquids – Phenomenon and its causes” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 257, pp. 42-57 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2018.05.008.

71. А.А. Берлин, С.А. Патлажан, И.В. Кравченко, К.Ю. Прочухан, Ю.А. Прочухан “Интенсификация быстрых химических процессов на межфазных границах двухкомпонентных жидких сред в трубчатых турбулентных реакторах”, Химическая Физика, 2019, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 25–31. DOI: 10.1134/S1990793119010056

72. E.V. Stegno, V.M. Lalayan, N.G. Berezkina, A.V. Grachev, A.Yu Shaulov, A.A. Berlin, S.A. Patlazhan, “Abnormal mechanical properties of composites based on boron oxide oligomer/polyethylene blends” Polymer Composites, 40, No. 3, 916-923, 2019. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24761

73. А.Я. Малкин, С.А. Патлажан, В.Г. Куличихин, “Физико-химические явления, приводящие к скольжению жидкости по твердой поверхности”, Успехи химии, 2019, 88 (3) 319 – 349. DOI: 10.1070/RCR4849?locatt=label:RUSSIAN

74. A. Bagherian, M. Baghani, D. George, Y. Rémond, C. Chappard, S. Patlazhan, M. Baniassadi, A novel numerical model for the prediction of patient dependent bone density loss in microgravity based on micro-CT images, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., published online June 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00161-019-00798-8

75. S. A. Patlazhan, D. E. Roshchin, I. V. Kravchenko, A. A. Berlin, Russian “Flow Bifurcations of Shear-Thinning Fluids in a Channel with Sudden Contraction and Expansion” Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 13, No. 5, 842–848 (2019). DOI: 10.1134/S1990793119050063

76. S.A. Vagner and S.A. Patlazhan, Flow structure and mixing efficiency of viscous fluids in microchannel with a striped superhydrophobic wall, Langmuir — 2019. Doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02884

77. S.A. Vagner, S.A. Patlazhan and C.A. Serra “Flow morphology of two-phase fluid in co-axial capillaries: Numerical simulation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012062

78. I.V. Kravchenko, S.A. Patlazhan and V.G. Sultanov “Microfibers formation in two-phase fluid flowing in a channel with the abrupt constriction. Numerical modeling”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012061

79. D.E. Roshchin, I.V. Kravchenko and S.A. Patlazhan, “Flow bifurcation transitions of inelastic shear thinning fluids in a channel with sudden contraction and expansion”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1556/1/012060

80. А.Ю. Шаулов, С.А. Патлажан, А.А. Берлин и др. Неорганические и гибридные полимеры и композиты, Химическая физика, т. 39, №2 (2020). Doi: 10.1134/S1990793120010157