Палий Андрей Владимирович, зав. лабораторией

Ученое звание профессор

Ученая степень д.ф.-м.н.

e-mail: andrei_palii@icp.ac.ru


Научные интересы

Молекулярный магнетизм и молекулярная спинтроника, теория обменных кластеров и кластеров смешанной валентности, мономолекулярные магниты и молекулярные магнитные переключаемые системы, обменные и вибронные взаимодействия, эффект и псевдоэффект Яна-Теллера.


• 2010 – Научно – исследовательская премия Академии Наук Республики Молдова за выдающиеся результаты, полученные в 2010 г.
• 2012 – Научно – исследовательская премия Академии Наук Республики Молдова за лучшую серию работ в области теоретической физики за 2012 г.
• 2010 – Диплом выданный Академией Наук Республики Молдова по случаю Всемирного Дня Науки за активное участие в продвижении результатов научных исследований на международной арене. 
• 2011 – Грамота, выданная Американским химическим обществом за существенный вклад в экспертную оценку рукописей, представляемых для публикации в журналы Американского химического общества.

Список публикаций

Список публикаций  за последние 5 лет (2018-2023):

  1. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Electrically switchable magnetic exchange in the vibronic model of linear mixed valence triferrocenium complex, // Dalton Transactions 2018, Vol. 47, P. 11788-11805, DOI: 10.1039/C8DT01386A.
  2. Ostrovsky S., Palii A., Decurtins S., Liu S.-X., Klokishner S. Microscopic Approach to the Problem of Cooperative Spin Crossover in Polynuclear Cluster Compounds: Application to Tetranuclear Iron(II) Square Complexes // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, Vol. 122, P. 22150−22159, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b05599.
  3. Clemente-Juan J. M., Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Coronado E. VIBPACK: A Package to Treat Multidimensional Electron-Vibrational Molecular Problems with Application to Magnetic and Optical Properties // Journal of Computational Chemistry 2018, Vol. 39, P. 1815–1827, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25355.
  4. Tsukerblat B., Tarantul A., Aldoshin S., Palii A. Layered polyoxovanadate V15: From structure to highly anisotropic magnetism // Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2018, Vol. 71, P. 2025-2042, DOI: 10.1080/00958972.2018.1485900.
  5. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Suaud N., Coronado E. Quantum Cellular Automata: a Short Overview of Molecular Problem // Acta Physica Polonica A 2018, Vol. 133, P. 329-335, DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.329.
  6. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Klokishner S., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Clemente-Juan J. M. Electric Field Control of Spin States in Trigonal Two-Electron Quantum Dot Arrays and Mixed Valence Molecules: I.  Electronic Problem // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 2451−2459, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09137.
  7. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Klokishner S., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Clemente-Juan J. M. Electric Field Control of Spin States in Trigonal Two-Electron Quantum Dot Arrays and Mixed Valence Molecules: II. Vibronic Problem // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 2460−2473, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09138.
  8. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Vibronic Model for Intercommunication of Localized Spins via Itinerant Electron // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 5746−5760, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b12380.
  9. Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Pair-delocalization in trigonal mixed-valence clusters: new insight into the vibronic origin of broken-symmetry ground states // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, Vol. 21, P. 11122-11131, DOI: 10.1039/c9cp01562k.
  10. Tupolova Yu. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Popov L. D., Lebedev V. E., Tkachev V. V., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Korchagin D. V., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced single-ion magnet behavior of a hexacoordinated Co(II) complex with easy-axis-type magnetic anisotropy // Dalton Transactions 2019, Vol. 48, P. 6960–6970, DOI: 10.1039/c9dt00770a.
  11. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Electric field control of superexchange in multiple linear two-electron quantum dot arrays and mixed-valence molecules // Journal of Applied Physics 2019, Vol. 125, 142901, DOI: 10.1063/1.5052581.
  12. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Rybakov A. Quantum cellular automata: theoretical study of bistable cells for molecular computing // Magnetic Resonance in Solids 2019, Vol. 21, 19414, DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19414.
  13. Palii A., Zilberg S., Rybakov A., Tsukerblat B. Double-Dimeric Versus Tetrameric Cells for Quantum Cellular Automata: a Semiempirical Approach to Evaluation of Cell−Cell Responses Combined with Quantum-Chemical Modeling of Molecular Structures // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 22614−22623, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05942.
  14. Palii A., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Semiclassical versus quantum-mechanical vibronic approach in the analysis of the functional characteristics of molecular quantum cellular automata // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, Vol. 21, P. 16751—16761, DOI: 10.1039/c9cp02516b.
  15. Misochko E. Ya., Akimov A. V., Korchagin D. V., Nehrkorn J., Ozerov M., Palii A. V., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S. M. Purely Spectroscopic Determination of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters in High-Spin Six-Coordinated Cobalt(II) Complexes with Large Zero-Field Splitting // Inorganic Chemistry 2019, Vol. 58, P. 16434-16444, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b021.
  16. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Modelling the properties of magnetic clusters with complex structures: how symmetry can help us // International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 2020. Vol. 39, No. 2, P. 217-265, https://doi.org/10.1080/0144235X.2020.1764778.
  17. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Aldoshin S. Molecule Based Materials for Quantum Cellular Automata: A Short Overview and Challenging Problems // Israel Journal of Chemistry 2020, Vol. 60, P. 527 – 543, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.201900164.
  18. Aldoshin S. M., Antipin I. S., Kniazeva M. V., Korchagin D. V., Morgunov R. B., Ovsyannikov A. S., Palii A. V., Sanina N. A., Shilov G. V., Solovieva S. E. Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mn2Tb2 Tetranuclear Complex with p-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arene // Israel Journal of Chemistry 2020, Vol. 60, P. 600-606, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.201900155.
  19. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Golosov E., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Can the Double Exchange Cause Antiferromagnetic Spin Alignment? // Magnetochemistry 2020, Vol. 6, 36, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry6030036.
  20. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Exploration of the double exchange in quantum cellular automata: proposal for a new class of cells // Chemical Communications 2020, Vol. 56, P. 10682-10685, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CC04135A.
  21. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B., A parametric two-mode vibronic model of a dimeric mixed-valence cell for molecular quantum cellular automata and computational ab initio verification // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, Vol. 22, P. 25982-25999, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP03581E.
  22. Tupolova Y. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Popov L. D., Morgunov R. B., Korchagin D. V., Lebedev V. E., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced SIM behaviour of a Co(II) complex with a 1,1′-diacetylferrocene-derived ligand // Dalton Transactions 2020, Vol. 49, P. 15592-15596https://doi.org/10.1039/D0DT02747B.
  23. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Rybakov A., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Mixed-Valence Magnetic Molecular Cell for Quantum Cellular Automata: Prospects of Designing Multifunctional Devices through Exploration of Double Exchange // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, Vol. 124, P. 25602−25614, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c08186.
  24. Tupolova Y. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Korchagin D. V., Tkachev V. V., Lebedev V. E., Popov L. D., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Fine-Tuning of Uniaxial Anisotropy and Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in the Hexacoordinate Co(II) Complexes with Acidoligands // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020,  Vol. 124, P. 25957-25966, https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07552.
  25. Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Targeting Exchange Interactions in Nanosize Molecular Magnets by Angular Momentum Technique, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2020, ISBN: 9780124095472, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.14779-1.
  26. Palii A., Korchagin D., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Insight Into The Spin-Vibronic Problem of a Mixed Valence Magnetic Molecular Cell for Quantum Cellular Automata // ChemPhysChem 2021, Vol. 22, P.1754–1768, doi.org/10.1002/cphc.202100312.
  27. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Mixed-valence clusters: Prospects for single-molecule magnetoelectrics // Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2021, Vol. 426, Article 21355, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213555.
  28. Korchagin D. V., Gureev Ya. E., Yureva E. A., Shilov G. V., Akimov A. V., Misochko E. Ya., Morgunov R. B., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Palii A. V., Lohmiller T., Holldack K., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced single-ion magnet based on a quasi-octahedral Co(II) complex with mixed sulfur–oxygen coordination environment // Dalton Transactions 2021, Vol. 50, P. 13815–13822, DOI: 10.1039/d1dt02413b.
  29. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Toward multifunctional molecular cells for quantum cellular automata: exploitation of interconnected charge and spin degrees of freedom // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2021, Vol. 23, P. 14511–14528, DOI: 10.1039/d1cp00444a.
  30. Koplak O.V., Dvoretskaya E.V., Kunitsyna, E.I. Korolev D. V., Palii A. V. Morgunov R. B. Spin Relaxation in Single-Ion Magnets under the Slowing Down Effect Produced by the Stray Field of Ferromagnetic Microparticles // Jetp Letters 2021, Vol.113, P. 794–800, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0021364021120080.
  31. Dvoretskaya E., Palii A., Koplak O., Morgunov R. Single ion magnets as magnetic probes of internal field in microparticle array // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2021, Vol. 157, 110210, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110210.
  32. Aldoshin S., Ivakhnenko E., Shilov G., Tkachev V., Utenyshev A., Palii A., Dorovatovskii P., Kovalenko A., Morgunov R., Metelitsa A., Minkin V. Synthesis, crystal molecular structure, and magnetic characteristics of coordination polymers formed by Co(II) diketonates with pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazines // New Journal of Chemistry 2021, Vol. 45, P. 304-313, DOI: 10.1039/d0nj05279e.
  33. Korchagin D. V., Ivakhnenko E. P., Demidov O. P., Akimov A. V., Morgunov R. B., Starikov A. G., Palii A. V., Minkin V. I., Aldoshin S. M. Field supported slow magnetic relaxation in a quasi-one-dimensional copper(II) complex with a pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazine // New Journal of Chemistry 2021, Vol. 45, P. 21912-21918, DOI: 10.1039/d1nj03217h.
  34. Electric Field Controllable Magnetic Spin Communication in Partially Localized Mixed-Valence Molecules: A Tutorial Review // Reviews and Advances in Chemistry 2021, Vol. 11, No. 3-4, P.145-165, DOI: 10.1134/s2079978021030043.
  35. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Aldoshin S. In Quest of Molecular Materials for Quantum Cellular Automata: Exploration of the Double Exchange in the Two-Mode Vibronic Model of a Dimeric Mixed Valence Cell // Magnetochemistry 2021, Vol. 7, No. 5, 66, DOI:10.3390/magnetochemistry7050066.
  36. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Towards the design of molecular cells for quantum cellular automata: critical reconsideration of the parameter regime for achieving functionality//Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 286-302, DOI: 10.1039/d1dt03226g.
  37. Zilberg S., Stekolshik Y., Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Controllable Electron Transfer in Mixed-Valence Bridged Norbornylogous Compounds: Ab Initio Calculation Combined with a Parametric Model and Through-Bond and Through-Space Interpretation//The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. –2022. – Vol. 126. – P. 2855-2878, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c09637.
  38. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Zilberg S., Korchagin D., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M. Vibronic recovering of functionality of quantum cellular automata based on bi-dimeric square cells with violated condition of strong Coulomb repulsion//The Journal of Chemical Physics. –2022. – Vol. 157. –P. 074308, DOI: 10.1063/5.0096182.
  39. Palii A., Belonivich V., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Prototype of cell for quantum cellular automata: Multimode vibronic model for a two-electron mixed valence molecular square // Chemical Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 563. – P. 111679, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2022.111679.
  40. Klokishner S., Ostrovsky S., Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Cooperative Spin Transitions Triggered by Phonons in Metal Complexes Coupled to Molecular Vibrations//Magnetochemistry. – 2022. – Vol. 8. – Article Number 24, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8020024.
  41. Tupolova Yu. P., Korchagin D. V., Andreeva A. S., Tkachev V. V., Shilov G. V., Lazarenko V. A., Popov L. D., Babeshkin K. A., Efimov N. N., Morgunov R. B., Palii A. V., Kubrin S. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Aldoshin S. M. Mononuclear Heptacoordinated 3d-Metal Helicates as a New Family of Single Ion Magnets//Magnetochemistry. –2022. – Vol. 8. – Article Number 153, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8110153.
  42. Yureva E. A., Korchagin D. V., Anichkin A. A., Shilov G. V., Babeshkin K. A., Efimov N. N., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Evidence for zero-field slow magnetic relaxation in a Co(II) complex with a pseudo-tetrahedral N2I2 environment//Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 11916–11921, DOI: 10.1039/d2dt01336c.
  43. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Functional Properties of Tetrameric Molecular Cells for Quantum Cellular Automata: A Quantum-Mechanical Treatment Extended to the Range of Arbitrary Coulomb Repulsion // Magnetochemistry 2022, Vol. 8, 92, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry8080092.
  44. Gorshkov E.V., Korchagin D.V., Yureva E.A., Shilov G.V., Zhidkov M.V., Dmitriev A.I., Efimov N.N., Palii A.V., Aldoshin S.M. Effect of Ligand Substitution on Zero-Field Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Mononuclear Dy(III) β-Diketonate Complexes with Phenanthroline-Based Ligands // Magnetochemistry 2022, Vol. 8, 151, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry8110151.
  45. Chegerev M. G., Korchagin D. V., Shilov G. V., Efimov N. N., Starikov A. G., Piskunov A. V., Chernyshev A. V., Bulgakov A. N., Minkin V. I., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Magnetically bistable cobalt-dioxolene complexes with a tetradentate N-donor base // Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 16876–16889, DOI: 10.1039/d2dt02874c.
  46. A. Palii, D. Korchagin, K. Kondrina, S. Aldoshin, S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, Spin polarization effects in trigonal mixed-valence complexes exhibiting double exchange supported by external spin-cores // The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2023. – Vol. 158. – 194303, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0147019
  47. Yu. P. Tupolova, V. E Lebedev, D. V. Korchagin, V. Tkachev, A. Utenyshev, R. B. Morgunov, A. Palii, I. N Shcherbakov, S. M. Aldoshin, Hexacoordinated Co(II) complex exhibiting strong magnetic anisotropy and field-induced slow magnetization relaxation: synthesis, magnetic characterization, and quantum-chemical modelling // New Journal of Chemistry2023. – Vol. 47. – P. 10884-10891, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NJ01481A
  48. S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, A. Palii, Polaronic Mechanism of Vibronic Localization in Mixed-Valence Cation Radicals with a Non-Conjugated Chromophore on the Bridge // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2023. – Vol. 127. – P. 3281–3292. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.2c07241
  49. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, B. Tsukerblat, In quest of optimal parametric regime of nonadiabatic switching ensuring low heat release in conjunction with high polarizability of mixed-valence molecular dimer // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2023. – Vol. 25. – P. 17526-17534, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CP01932B
  50. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, S. Aldoshin, S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, Mixed-Valence Bridged Norbornylogous Compounds as Switchable Cells for Molecular Quantum Cellular Automata: A Compromise between High Polarizability and Low Power Dissipation // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2023. – Vol. 127. – P. 9030-9039. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.3c05106
  51. D. V. Korchagin, E. P. Ivakhnenko, O. P. Demidov, P. A. Knyazev, N. N. Efimov, R. B. Morgunov, A. G. Starikov, A. V. Palii, V. I. Minkin, S. M. Aldoshin, Field-assisted slow relaxation of magnetization in Cu(II) complexes with pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazine ligands: the quasi-one-dimensional versus the binuclear case // New Journal of Chemistry2023. – Vol. 47. – P. 21353–21360. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NJ04614A


Участие в конференциях (последние 5 лет):

  1. A. V. Palii, B. S. Tsukerblat, S. M. Aldoshin, J. M. Clemente-Juan, E. Coronado, Electrically Switchable Magnetic Exchange in the Vibronic Model of Linear Mixed Valence Triferrocenium Complex, VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “HIGH SPIN MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR MAGNETS” MOLMAG-2018 (The Russian National Cluster of Conferences on Inorganic Chemistry «InorgChem 2018»), Astrakhan, Russia, September 17-21, 2018.
  2. Палий А.В., Алдошин С.М., Цукерблат Б.С., Клементе-Хуан Х.-М., Коронадо Е. Электрополевой контроль антиферромагнитного взаимодействия и квантовой запутанности в двухэлектронных кластерах смешанной валентности: Анализ случаев линейного триферроцена FeIII2FeII и полиоксованадата [GeV14O40]8, IX Национальная кристаллохимическая конференция, Суздаль, 4-8 июня 2018 г, Тезисы, С. 77.
  3. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Theoretical modeling of electric field responsive mixed valence molecules: relevance to molecular magnetism and spintronics, 7th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism ECMM 2019, Florence, Italy, 15th -19th September 2019, Book of Abstract, p. 45.
  4. A. Palii, B. Tsukerblat, S. Aldoshin, Vibronic Model for Linear Mixed Valence Triferrocenium Complex: Electric Field Control of Superexchange, Eighteenth “Bi-National Workshop Russia-Israel” on the Optimization of Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials, Ein Bokek, Israel, February 17-22, 2019, Proceedings, p. 54-69.
  5. А. В. Палий, С. М. Алдошин, Б. С. Цукерблат, Кластеры смешанной валентности как особый класс мономолекулярных магнитоэлектриков, Х Национальная кристаллохимическая конференция, Приэльбрусье, 5 – 9 июля 2021 г, Тезисы, С. 284.
  6. A. V. Palii, D. V. Korchagin, S. M. Aldoshn, Spin Effects in Molecular Quantum Cellular Automata, X International Voevodsky Conference “Physics and Chemistry of Elementary Chemical Processes” (VVV-2022), Novosibirsk, September 5-9, 2022, Book of Abstracts, P. 253.
  7. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, Electron transfer control in mixed-valence compounds as a route to optimize functional properties of molecular quantum cellular automata, X International conference “HIGH-SPIN MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR MAGNETS” July 9-14, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia, Oral Contribution. Book of Abstracts, P. 24.

Ученое звание профессор

Ученая степень д.ф.-м.н.

e-mail: andrei_palii@icp.ac.ru


Научные интересы

Молекулярный магнетизм и молекулярная спинтроника, теория обменных кластеров и кластеров смешанной валентности, мономолекулярные магниты и молекулярные магнитные переключаемые системы, обменные и вибронные взаимодействия, эффект и псевдоэффект Яна-Теллера.


• 2010 – Научно – исследовательская премия Академии Наук Республики Молдова за выдающиеся результаты, полученные в 2010 г.
• 2012 – Научно – исследовательская премия Академии Наук Республики Молдова за лучшую серию работ в области теоретической физики за 2012 г.
• 2010 – Диплом выданный Академией Наук Республики Молдова по случаю Всемирного Дня Науки за активное участие в продвижении результатов научных исследований на международной арене. 
• 2011 – Грамота, выданная Американским химическим обществом за существенный вклад в экспертную оценку рукописей, представляемых для публикации в журналы Американского химического общества.

Список публикаций

Список публикаций  за последние 5 лет (2018-2023):

  1. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Electrically switchable magnetic exchange in the vibronic model of linear mixed valence triferrocenium complex, // Dalton Transactions 2018, Vol. 47, P. 11788-11805, DOI: 10.1039/C8DT01386A.
  2. Ostrovsky S., Palii A., Decurtins S., Liu S.-X., Klokishner S. Microscopic Approach to the Problem of Cooperative Spin Crossover in Polynuclear Cluster Compounds: Application to Tetranuclear Iron(II) Square Complexes // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, Vol. 122, P. 22150−22159, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b05599.
  3. Clemente-Juan J. M., Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Coronado E. VIBPACK: A Package to Treat Multidimensional Electron-Vibrational Molecular Problems with Application to Magnetic and Optical Properties // Journal of Computational Chemistry 2018, Vol. 39, P. 1815–1827, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25355.
  4. Tsukerblat B., Tarantul A., Aldoshin S., Palii A. Layered polyoxovanadate V15: From structure to highly anisotropic magnetism // Journal of Coordination Chemistry 2018, Vol. 71, P. 2025-2042, DOI: 10.1080/00958972.2018.1485900.
  5. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Suaud N., Coronado E. Quantum Cellular Automata: a Short Overview of Molecular Problem // Acta Physica Polonica A 2018, Vol. 133, P. 329-335, DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.133.329.
  6. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Klokishner S., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Clemente-Juan J. M. Electric Field Control of Spin States in Trigonal Two-Electron Quantum Dot Arrays and Mixed Valence Molecules: I.  Electronic Problem // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 2451−2459, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09137.
  7. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Klokishner S., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Clemente-Juan J. M. Electric Field Control of Spin States in Trigonal Two-Electron Quantum Dot Arrays and Mixed Valence Molecules: II. Vibronic Problem // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 2460−2473, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09138.
  8. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Vibronic Model for Intercommunication of Localized Spins via Itinerant Electron // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 5746−5760, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b12380.
  9. Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Pair-delocalization in trigonal mixed-valence clusters: new insight into the vibronic origin of broken-symmetry ground states // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, Vol. 21, P. 11122-11131, DOI: 10.1039/c9cp01562k.
  10. Tupolova Yu. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Popov L. D., Lebedev V. E., Tkachev V. V., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Korchagin D. V., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced single-ion magnet behavior of a hexacoordinated Co(II) complex with easy-axis-type magnetic anisotropy // Dalton Transactions 2019, Vol. 48, P. 6960–6970, DOI: 10.1039/c9dt00770a.
  11. Palii A., Tsukerblat B., Electric field control of superexchange in multiple linear two-electron quantum dot arrays and mixed-valence molecules // Journal of Applied Physics 2019, Vol. 125, 142901, DOI: 10.1063/1.5052581.
  12. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Rybakov A. Quantum cellular automata: theoretical study of bistable cells for molecular computing // Magnetic Resonance in Solids 2019, Vol. 21, 19414, DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19414.
  13. Palii A., Zilberg S., Rybakov A., Tsukerblat B. Double-Dimeric Versus Tetrameric Cells for Quantum Cellular Automata: a Semiempirical Approach to Evaluation of Cell−Cell Responses Combined with Quantum-Chemical Modeling of Molecular Structures // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, Vol. 123, P. 22614−22623, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05942.
  14. Palii A., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Semiclassical versus quantum-mechanical vibronic approach in the analysis of the functional characteristics of molecular quantum cellular automata // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, Vol. 21, P. 16751—16761, DOI: 10.1039/c9cp02516b.
  15. Misochko E. Ya., Akimov A. V., Korchagin D. V., Nehrkorn J., Ozerov M., Palii A. V., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S. M. Purely Spectroscopic Determination of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters in High-Spin Six-Coordinated Cobalt(II) Complexes with Large Zero-Field Splitting // Inorganic Chemistry 2019, Vol. 58, P. 16434-16444, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b021.
  16. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Modelling the properties of magnetic clusters with complex structures: how symmetry can help us // International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 2020. Vol. 39, No. 2, P. 217-265, https://doi.org/10.1080/0144235X.2020.1764778.
  17. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Aldoshin S. Molecule Based Materials for Quantum Cellular Automata: A Short Overview and Challenging Problems // Israel Journal of Chemistry 2020, Vol. 60, P. 527 – 543, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.201900164.
  18. Aldoshin S. M., Antipin I. S., Kniazeva M. V., Korchagin D. V., Morgunov R. B., Ovsyannikov A. S., Palii A. V., Sanina N. A., Shilov G. V., Solovieva S. E. Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mn2Tb2 Tetranuclear Complex with p-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arene // Israel Journal of Chemistry 2020, Vol. 60, P. 600-606, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.201900155.
  19. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Golosov E., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Can the Double Exchange Cause Antiferromagnetic Spin Alignment? // Magnetochemistry 2020, Vol. 6, 36, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry6030036.
  20. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Exploration of the double exchange in quantum cellular automata: proposal for a new class of cells // Chemical Communications 2020, Vol. 56, P. 10682-10685, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CC04135A.
  21. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B., A parametric two-mode vibronic model of a dimeric mixed-valence cell for molecular quantum cellular automata and computational ab initio verification // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, Vol. 22, P. 25982-25999, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP03581E.
  22. Tupolova Y. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Popov L. D., Morgunov R. B., Korchagin D. V., Lebedev V. E., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced SIM behaviour of a Co(II) complex with a 1,1′-diacetylferrocene-derived ligand // Dalton Transactions 2020, Vol. 49, P. 15592-15596https://doi.org/10.1039/D0DT02747B.
  23. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Aldoshin S., Korchagin D., Rybakov A., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Mixed-Valence Magnetic Molecular Cell for Quantum Cellular Automata: Prospects of Designing Multifunctional Devices through Exploration of Double Exchange // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, Vol. 124, P. 25602−25614, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c08186.
  24. Tupolova Y. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Korchagin D. V., Tkachev V. V., Lebedev V. E., Popov L. D., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Fine-Tuning of Uniaxial Anisotropy and Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in the Hexacoordinate Co(II) Complexes with Acidoligands // The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020,  Vol. 124, P. 25957-25966, https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07552.
  25. Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Targeting Exchange Interactions in Nanosize Molecular Magnets by Angular Momentum Technique, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2020, ISBN: 9780124095472, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.14779-1.
  26. Palii A., Korchagin D., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M., Zilberg S., Tsukerblat B. Insight Into The Spin-Vibronic Problem of a Mixed Valence Magnetic Molecular Cell for Quantum Cellular Automata // ChemPhysChem 2021, Vol. 22, P.1754–1768, doi.org/10.1002/cphc.202100312.
  27. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Mixed-valence clusters: Prospects for single-molecule magnetoelectrics // Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2021, Vol. 426, Article 21355, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213555.
  28. Korchagin D. V., Gureev Ya. E., Yureva E. A., Shilov G. V., Akimov A. V., Misochko E. Ya., Morgunov R. B., Zakharov K. V., Vasiliev A. N., Palii A. V., Lohmiller T., Holldack K., Aldoshin S. M. Field-induced single-ion magnet based on a quasi-octahedral Co(II) complex with mixed sulfur–oxygen coordination environment // Dalton Transactions 2021, Vol. 50, P. 13815–13822, DOI: 10.1039/d1dt02413b.
  29. Palii A., Clemente-Juan J. M., Rybakov A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Toward multifunctional molecular cells for quantum cellular automata: exploitation of interconnected charge and spin degrees of freedom // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2021, Vol. 23, P. 14511–14528, DOI: 10.1039/d1cp00444a.
  30. Koplak O.V., Dvoretskaya E.V., Kunitsyna, E.I. Korolev D. V., Palii A. V. Morgunov R. B. Spin Relaxation in Single-Ion Magnets under the Slowing Down Effect Produced by the Stray Field of Ferromagnetic Microparticles // Jetp Letters 2021, Vol.113, P. 794–800, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0021364021120080.
  31. Dvoretskaya E., Palii A., Koplak O., Morgunov R. Single ion magnets as magnetic probes of internal field in microparticle array // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2021, Vol. 157, 110210, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110210.
  32. Aldoshin S., Ivakhnenko E., Shilov G., Tkachev V., Utenyshev A., Palii A., Dorovatovskii P., Kovalenko A., Morgunov R., Metelitsa A., Minkin V. Synthesis, crystal molecular structure, and magnetic characteristics of coordination polymers formed by Co(II) diketonates with pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazines // New Journal of Chemistry 2021, Vol. 45, P. 304-313, DOI: 10.1039/d0nj05279e.
  33. Korchagin D. V., Ivakhnenko E. P., Demidov O. P., Akimov A. V., Morgunov R. B., Starikov A. G., Palii A. V., Minkin V. I., Aldoshin S. M. Field supported slow magnetic relaxation in a quasi-one-dimensional copper(II) complex with a pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazine // New Journal of Chemistry 2021, Vol. 45, P. 21912-21918, DOI: 10.1039/d1nj03217h.
  34. Electric Field Controllable Magnetic Spin Communication in Partially Localized Mixed-Valence Molecules: A Tutorial Review // Reviews and Advances in Chemistry 2021, Vol. 11, No. 3-4, P.145-165, DOI: 10.1134/s2079978021030043.
  35. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Aldoshin S. In Quest of Molecular Materials for Quantum Cellular Automata: Exploration of the Double Exchange in the Two-Mode Vibronic Model of a Dimeric Mixed Valence Cell // Magnetochemistry 2021, Vol. 7, No. 5, 66, DOI:10.3390/magnetochemistry7050066.
  36. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Towards the design of molecular cells for quantum cellular automata: critical reconsideration of the parameter regime for achieving functionality//Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 286-302, DOI: 10.1039/d1dt03226g.
  37. Zilberg S., Stekolshik Y., Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Controllable Electron Transfer in Mixed-Valence Bridged Norbornylogous Compounds: Ab Initio Calculation Combined with a Parametric Model and Through-Bond and Through-Space Interpretation//The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. –2022. – Vol. 126. – P. 2855-2878, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c09637.
  38. Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Zilberg S., Korchagin D., Aldoshin S., Clemente-Juan J. M. Vibronic recovering of functionality of quantum cellular automata based on bi-dimeric square cells with violated condition of strong Coulomb repulsion//The Journal of Chemical Physics. –2022. – Vol. 157. –P. 074308, DOI: 10.1063/5.0096182.
  39. Palii A., Belonivich V., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Prototype of cell for quantum cellular automata: Multimode vibronic model for a two-electron mixed valence molecular square // Chemical Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 563. – P. 111679, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2022.111679.
  40. Klokishner S., Ostrovsky S., Palii A., Tsukerblat B. Cooperative Spin Transitions Triggered by Phonons in Metal Complexes Coupled to Molecular Vibrations//Magnetochemistry. – 2022. – Vol. 8. – Article Number 24, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8020024.
  41. Tupolova Yu. P., Korchagin D. V., Andreeva A. S., Tkachev V. V., Shilov G. V., Lazarenko V. A., Popov L. D., Babeshkin K. A., Efimov N. N., Morgunov R. B., Palii A. V., Kubrin S. P., Shcherbakov I. N., Aldoshin S. M. Mononuclear Heptacoordinated 3d-Metal Helicates as a New Family of Single Ion Magnets//Magnetochemistry. –2022. – Vol. 8. – Article Number 153, DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8110153.
  42. Yureva E. A., Korchagin D. V., Anichkin A. A., Shilov G. V., Babeshkin K. A., Efimov N. N., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Evidence for zero-field slow magnetic relaxation in a Co(II) complex with a pseudo-tetrahedral N2I2 environment//Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 11916–11921, DOI: 10.1039/d2dt01336c.
  43. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B. Functional Properties of Tetrameric Molecular Cells for Quantum Cellular Automata: A Quantum-Mechanical Treatment Extended to the Range of Arbitrary Coulomb Repulsion // Magnetochemistry 2022, Vol. 8, 92, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry8080092.
  44. Gorshkov E.V., Korchagin D.V., Yureva E.A., Shilov G.V., Zhidkov M.V., Dmitriev A.I., Efimov N.N., Palii A.V., Aldoshin S.M. Effect of Ligand Substitution on Zero-Field Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Mononuclear Dy(III) β-Diketonate Complexes with Phenanthroline-Based Ligands // Magnetochemistry 2022, Vol. 8, 151, https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry8110151.
  45. Chegerev M. G., Korchagin D. V., Shilov G. V., Efimov N. N., Starikov A. G., Piskunov A. V., Chernyshev A. V., Bulgakov A. N., Minkin V. I., Palii A. V., Aldoshin S. M. Magnetically bistable cobalt-dioxolene complexes with a tetradentate N-donor base // Dalton Transactions. –2022. – Vol. 51. – P. 16876–16889, DOI: 10.1039/d2dt02874c.
  46. A. Palii, D. Korchagin, K. Kondrina, S. Aldoshin, S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, Spin polarization effects in trigonal mixed-valence complexes exhibiting double exchange supported by external spin-cores // The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2023. – Vol. 158. – 194303, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0147019
  47. Yu. P. Tupolova, V. E Lebedev, D. V. Korchagin, V. Tkachev, A. Utenyshev, R. B. Morgunov, A. Palii, I. N Shcherbakov, S. M. Aldoshin, Hexacoordinated Co(II) complex exhibiting strong magnetic anisotropy and field-induced slow magnetization relaxation: synthesis, magnetic characterization, and quantum-chemical modelling // New Journal of Chemistry2023. – Vol. 47. – P. 10884-10891, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NJ01481A
  48. S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, A. Palii, Polaronic Mechanism of Vibronic Localization in Mixed-Valence Cation Radicals with a Non-Conjugated Chromophore on the Bridge // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2023. – Vol. 127. – P. 3281–3292. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.2c07241
  49. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, B. Tsukerblat, In quest of optimal parametric regime of nonadiabatic switching ensuring low heat release in conjunction with high polarizability of mixed-valence molecular dimer // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2023. – Vol. 25. – P. 17526-17534, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CP01932B
  50. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, S. Aldoshin, S. Zilberg, B. Tsukerblat, Mixed-Valence Bridged Norbornylogous Compounds as Switchable Cells for Molecular Quantum Cellular Automata: A Compromise between High Polarizability and Low Power Dissipation // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2023. – Vol. 127. – P. 9030-9039. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.3c05106
  51. D. V. Korchagin, E. P. Ivakhnenko, O. P. Demidov, P. A. Knyazev, N. N. Efimov, R. B. Morgunov, A. G. Starikov, A. V. Palii, V. I. Minkin, S. M. Aldoshin, Field-assisted slow relaxation of magnetization in Cu(II) complexes with pentaheterocyclic triphenodioxazine ligands: the quasi-one-dimensional versus the binuclear case // New Journal of Chemistry2023. – Vol. 47. – P. 21353–21360. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NJ04614A


Участие в конференциях (последние 5 лет):

  1. A. V. Palii, B. S. Tsukerblat, S. M. Aldoshin, J. M. Clemente-Juan, E. Coronado, Electrically Switchable Magnetic Exchange in the Vibronic Model of Linear Mixed Valence Triferrocenium Complex, VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “HIGH SPIN MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR MAGNETS” MOLMAG-2018 (The Russian National Cluster of Conferences on Inorganic Chemistry «InorgChem 2018»), Astrakhan, Russia, September 17-21, 2018.
  2. Палий А.В., Алдошин С.М., Цукерблат Б.С., Клементе-Хуан Х.-М., Коронадо Е. Электрополевой контроль антиферромагнитного взаимодействия и квантовой запутанности в двухэлектронных кластерах смешанной валентности: Анализ случаев линейного триферроцена FeIII2FeII и полиоксованадата [GeV14O40]8, IX Национальная кристаллохимическая конференция, Суздаль, 4-8 июня 2018 г, Тезисы, С. 77.
  3. Palii A., Aldoshin S., Tsukerblat B., Clemente-Juan J. M., Coronado E. Theoretical modeling of electric field responsive mixed valence molecules: relevance to molecular magnetism and spintronics, 7th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism ECMM 2019, Florence, Italy, 15th -19th September 2019, Book of Abstract, p. 45.
  4. A. Palii, B. Tsukerblat, S. Aldoshin, Vibronic Model for Linear Mixed Valence Triferrocenium Complex: Electric Field Control of Superexchange, Eighteenth “Bi-National Workshop Russia-Israel” on the Optimization of Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials, Ein Bokek, Israel, February 17-22, 2019, Proceedings, p. 54-69.
  5. А. В. Палий, С. М. Алдошин, Б. С. Цукерблат, Кластеры смешанной валентности как особый класс мономолекулярных магнитоэлектриков, Х Национальная кристаллохимическая конференция, Приэльбрусье, 5 – 9 июля 2021 г, Тезисы, С. 284.
  6. A. V. Palii, D. V. Korchagin, S. M. Aldoshn, Spin Effects in Molecular Quantum Cellular Automata, X International Voevodsky Conference “Physics and Chemistry of Elementary Chemical Processes” (VVV-2022), Novosibirsk, September 5-9, 2022, Book of Abstracts, P. 253.
  7. A. Palii, V. Belonovich, Electron transfer control in mixed-valence compounds as a route to optimize functional properties of molecular quantum cellular automata, X International conference “HIGH-SPIN MOLECULES AND MOLECULAR MAGNETS” July 9-14, 2023, Novosibirsk, Russia, Oral Contribution. Book of Abstracts, P. 24.